Market Garden

Welcome to our Diaries. We try to record all the major events and renovation work that has happened at The Swan not only for posterity, to show the enjoyment & community spirit at The Swan, but to potentially help others with ideas for their own pubs and clubs. It also includes the history of the renovations since 2019 that have taken place on site and also our annual general meetings. If you are looking for something, it will be in here!

Events Diary

You can have a peek at the photos and videos over the years by when they actually occurred. This is a bit scary for some as you can see hairstyles changing, beards coming and going, and the likes. We hope you enjoy our past events at The Swan.

Regular Events Diary

Over the years, due to popular demand some events have become a regular occurrence at The Swan. We have tried to group them below into the common themes. Due to Covid, you will find that these have been a mixture of face-to-face and online too.

Renovation Diary

We are on a five year journey to renovate The Swan after the building lay derelict for three years. Damp, rot and a number of other issues including just old age were exacerbated by the building being totally sealed up for that period. Is it going to be five or less or more, who knows as every time we touch the building we find something totally new. And then there was Covid!

With Invaluable Support

Our journey wouldn't be possible without the support of many, many stakeholders that come in various guises. Everyone automatically thinks of the investors, whether shareholders or loanees, who helped fund this in the first place. BUT then we have to have to offer a huge thanks to the volunteers who are renovating the building, or who do fund raising, or our benefactors, or our trades people who have helped us on the journey. The Swan is down to them all a huge thank you.

And then we must thank the local community for their support coming along as normal punters, coming to events, donating time and money to the cause, and for evangelising our story throughout Windsor and the surrounding area. The Swan is a real community pub.

Annual Reviews

At the end of each year since the CIC took over The Swan, we have made a point of making a short summary of what happened during the year. The events, the renovation of the buildings, and other things we think that people would be interested in. For example, did you know that The Swan has become an excellent place to celebrate hatches, matches and dispatches. And there is a lot more too!

Throughout the story for the year we have inserted links to the more detailed web pages that contain images, videos and audio snippets as required. Not only is presented here on the website, but we send it out as an email and social media post as close as to New Year's Day as possible to allow the local community to read during the holiday period.

So read on and share our experiences over the years at The Swan. We do hope that these inspire you to come to The Swan, or to volunteer or create an event of your own at your local pub. We welcome ideas and feedback:

CIC Governance

Another yearly record of our progress is via our mid-year Annual General Meetings. These usually occur in July as close to the birthday of the re-opening as possible. Stakeholders are invited but all can come along. It is held in The Courtyard and is broadcast via Facebook Live. Here you will find presentations, videos, meeting minutes, et al from 2019 to date.

Another form of governance, and an opportunity for feedback, are the regular Open Forums. These take place every 2 - 3 months and allow an opportunity for the community to meet with the directors. As well as a progress report, there are discussions about topics important to the community. These are smaller and more intimate, usually taking place in The Coach House.

Please do get in contact if you think there is anything missing or incorrect. You can either contact the webmaster at or the Compoany Secretary at