The Swan Clewer Community Interest Company owns and runs The Swan in Clewer, Windsor. It has over 200 investors of all shapes and sizes, and two major share holders through Windsor & Eton Brewery and The Green Room School. The Swan is unique - it is a pub, it is a community hub, and it is a school. No other place is like it in the UK.
Each year we hold an AGM in the summer out in The Courtyard to let in as many investors as possible. Our AGMs have the school, the pub and the community present an update. There is also an opportunity for questions. Documents, videos, minutes et al can be found via this page.
AGM 2024
The AGM was held on Sunday 8th September. Unlike previous years, it was not broadcast and no photos were taken. A hardcopy of the minutes is available which has been sent to The Bevy. Will scan this and add it in soon.
- Slides
- The Main Slides for 2024 can be viewed and downloaded as required. They give an excellent overview of the last year which has seen high energy costs and inflation.
- Minutes
- A hardcopy of the minutes is available which has been sent to The Bevy. Will scan this and add it in soon.
AGM 2023
Our fourth AGM was a slightly delayed affair being later in the year than normal. Due to the inclement weather, it was held inside the pub for the first time. Unfortunately there are no photos of the occasion but there is the video in any case.
- Slides
- Here are the slides and the finanical slides from the day.
- Video
- During the AGM we made it available live via Facebook, you cans ee the video here. Opened by the company secretary, first up was Willie with the financials.
- Notes/Minutes
- Here are the notes/minutes produced by the Martin Payne - incoming Company Secretary for the Swan Clewer CIC - to give you all the information.
For further information please contact Martin by email via company.secretary@theswanwindsor.co.uk He will try his best to help you out in a reasonable time (please note that this is a voluntary position so he has his day job too).
All at The Swan would like to thank Richard Douglas, the outgoing Company Secretary, for all his work including the formation of the CIC. We have had ups, and some downs, but our wee community pub with its school keeps going despite covid, utility increases, government changes, et al. Huge thanks. And welcome to Martin Payne, another local lad, who is taking up the mantle. Thank you for your service as they say.
AGM 2022
Our third AGM was delayed until a rather cold but sunny Sunday in early October. There was a good turn out of interested investors who listened to presentations regarding the finances, the restoration, our school and from the Friends of The Swan. There was a short Q&A session too. Here are all the materials so you can be part of that day.
- Slides
- This year we have a lot of slides however the PDF is just less than 4MB so viewable and downloadable for you. Please note that figures are not for official financial reporting or tax purposes.
- Video
- We made the AGM available live via Facebook. This allowed us to share with a lot more people, including you, by viewing the video here.
- Minutes
- Here are the After Notes (minutes) produced by the Richard Douglas - Company Secretary of the Swan Clewer CIC - for your perusal and to give you all the information.

AGM 2021
Our second birthday past a few weeks ago but due to Covid restrictions, it made running the AGM extremely difficult. We therefore delayed it until we could do it in a safe and legal way. The day was called 'Freedom Day' when the last of the restrictions were lifted, we called it our 'The Swan AGM'. Our evening was opened by Soul Duo who provided some excellent music as people arrived. They are our first band in over a year due to covid restrictions.
- Slides
- This year the slides were a bit more concise along with the overall presentation. It was slick and belied the amount of preparation it took by all the presenters and those who supported them.
- Slides
- During the AGM we made it available live via Facebook. This allowed us to share with a lot more people, especially those affected in any way by Covid. It has been published to our YouTube channel.
- Minutes
- Richard Douglas, the Company Secretary, has provided some minutes for the AGM. These should be read in conjunction with the video and the slides also presented here. You now have the complete info pack.
- Photos
- We also took some photos of the AGM, showing the attendees et al that couldn't show on the actual Facebook video (our focus was the presenters). Apologies if we missed you, perhaps next time?
AGM 2020
We have been quite open with the AGM holding it in The Courtyard of the pub with the event being streamed live via Facebook. Information here is to help people understand about the CIC, and clearly demonstrate that ANY and ALL profits are re-invested back into the pub to allow further refurbishment activities.
- Slides
- The slides presented on the day were quite long and detailed. We have condensed these down to something a little more readable and manageable.
- Video
- As this was the first AGM and with over 200 stakeholders, we were unsure how many to cater for in The Courtyard. So a wee bit of modern technology and it was streamed live. You can see the video here.
- Minutes
- Here are the After Notes (minutes) produced by the Richard Douglas - Company Secretary of the Swan Clewer CIC - for your perusal and to give you all the information.
- Photos
- We also took some photos of the occasion, showing the attendees et al that couldnt do on the actual Facebook video. Apologies if we missed you, perhaps next time?
Why not take the opportunity to subscribe to The Swan's YouTube channel? You should be able to get notifications and access to new content as soon as it is uploaded. You can of course upload your own too. We are trying to preserve these videos for the future.
Please note that these do not reflect any documentation for or any commitment to HMRC or Companies House or any third parties. They are as accurate as possible on the day but are liable to change without notice. They are for information only. If you have any questions or doubts, please contact the Company Secretary who will be able to help you out.