2021 Past Events

Events Diary for 2021

  • January 2021


    During the continuing lockdown we continued online holding Bingo and Quiz Nights. See our January Diary.

    JANUARY 2021

  • February 2021


    As Lockdown Three continued, so did our Quiz and Bingo Nights. We also had an excellent Beer and Cheese Night with a Rugby Six Nations theme. See our February Diary.

    FEBRUARY 2021

  • March 2021


    Lockdown Three still carried on as the nation and world tried to combat COVID-19. This month we had a Horse Racing night along with the normal online activities. See our March Diary.

    MARCH 2021

  • April 2021


    It was the end of lockdown and after several long months, it was time to clean up the pub, re-open and start to being life a bit more normally. See our April Diary.

    APRIL 2021

  • May 2021


    This month we saw our first wedding and also the launch of the Windsor Cycle Hub. The Brownies visits and enjoyed activites and a hot chocolate. And we had a cracking Courtyard Market too. See our May Diary.

    MAY 2021

  • June 2021


    Things were slow in getting back to normal as can be seen this month. However Tony was recognised for all his work and we had a Courtyard Market which are notable. See our June Diary.

    JUNE 2021

  • July 2021


    July saw the start and/or continuance of some of our more normal activities such as our famous BBQs and quizzes. Hurrah!. See our July Diary.

    JULY 2021

  • August 2021


    This was the month of SwanFest, three days of events, music and outstanding food. As well as that, we had one of our best markets ever during the Bank Holiday. See our August Diary.

    AUGUST 2021

  • September 2021


    We saw the first Talk Like A Pirate day that saw/heard some the bar staff dressed up and some our younger customers taking that as a lead to do that. We had a very successful MacMillan Coffee Morning and the Quizzes were continuing to be very busy. See our September Diary.

    SEPTEMBER 2021

  • October 2021


    It was October so it ws time for our OktoberFest - three days of German themed beer, food and a little music too. Oh, and there were other things going on too. See our October Diary.

    OCTOBER 2021

  • November 2021


    It was a pretty packed November with the return of the ALbert Street Gals, the Cheesemungre, Martin and the Quiz and of course our Guy Falke's celebrations too. See our November Diary.

    NOVEMBER 2021

  • December 2021


    It was a jam packed December with the Windsor Living Advernt Calendar, the GR6 Winter Fayre, visits from Santa and a party at New Year's Eve. And the usual events too! See our December Diary.

    DECEMBER 2021