What is The Green Room?
The Green Room is one of the three pillars of The Swan: our community, the brewery and the school. They are an integral part of how we operate. The Swan is but one of serveral sites in the area that The Green Room use. And now they are expanding into the Lodge House next door. Onsite they have three parts:

The Green Room School (GRS) is for young people who can no longer access mainstream education. Using a combination of therapeutic, academic, creative and physical education, the aim is to significantly change the lives of our pupils and their families, to start a path to a better life.

The Green Room College (GRC) provides all pupils with opportunities so they can move on to further education, employment or their own business ventures. It is a much needed alternative for pupils who want to prepare further, or may not be ready or not fully equipped yet to thrive in a college or school sixth form environment.

Graduates from the sixth form can progress to The WINGS Programme aims to assist students bridge the gap between leaving school and the world of work with a bespoke programme of preparation and work experience. The Swan is an integral part of this, and can be seen on our Wings Project page.
Student Activities
During the year, the students are challenged with a number of activities that will allow them to gain real-world experience transferable into the work environment. Projects are varied and the use of The Kitchen and Bar enouraged under supervison by Bar Staff and Teachers.

The Sixth Form students of GRC are completing individual projects on the theme of communications. These are diverse, extremely interesting and will be published soon. The Swan Elders - locals who donate their time - are key in passing on the baton.

When the students take over The Swan to serve afreshly cooked brunch. Also sell a range of home made products too. Supported by the Bar Staff and School, they learn a wide range of skills for the future. Truly Epic! Learn more about Epic Thursdays.

The Swan offers a unique setting for pupils to continue their education, gain useful skills and become part of their community. The Green Room College students have access to The Swan and especially the School House and IT Suite.
Hosted By The Swan
The Swan offers the opportunity for the students to learn business skills, about the hospitality industry and event management, and life skills usable in their future careers.

New for the 2020-21 term was the addition of the IT suite in the newly refurbished Coach House. The facility allows students to learn valuable and practical computing skills for future jobs. Lessons focus around use of modern business tools & applications and effective communications.

The School utilises all the different areas of The Swan to foster engagement and promote learning. Lessons can be in The School Room, the IT suite, The Coach House or even in The Courtyard depending upon the lesson and learning opportunites. By mixing it up engages and stimulates the students.

In December, the students organise a Winter Fayre and the Windsor Living Advent Calendar in The Courtyard and The Coach House of The Swan. These were a huge success in 2019 and will be repeated when Covid regulations allow.