The Swan

In The Press and Media

The Swan is certainly famous in Windsor and also wider in Berkshire. Known as a great local pub, a community hub and a school too. The Swan has become to the heart of our community! We are trying to record all the publicity that has surrounded The Swan, good and bad. It covers social media, newspapers and radio. These are recorded below for posterity and your enjoyment. If you do see The Swan in any media, please let us know and we will try to include it here so others both now and the future.

Traditional Press

We have been lucky to grow an excellent relationship with Phil Kennedy's afternoon show on BBC Radio Berkshire. Well worth a listen. We have scraped interviews that he has done and placed them here; they are all copyright of the BBC. Please note you may see 0.00/0.00 as the length of the interview; don't worry, just play and the audio will be downloaded (we are trying to save your data connection loading audio only when required).

For others, just click on the title and you will be taken to the appropriate page. We have listed the articles by newest to the top, oldest to the bottom. And to access press that is not onlne, click this button.


3rd March: Windsor Ukulele Band

Chris Brown of the Band was interviewed on Radio Berkshire regarding the Windsor Ukulele Band who are famously based at The Swan.

BBC Radio Berkshire Kirsten O'Brien in the morning

Presented by Kirsten O'Brien on Monday 3rd March 2025

Part One: introduction to the ukulele and the Band.

Part Two: Uku-oke and other events.

Thanks to the BBC Radio Berkshire team for allowing us to use this interview. For more information, please visit Windsor Ukulele Band website.

29th January: Micky on the Kirsten O'Brien Show

BBC Radio Berkshire Kirsten O'Brien in the morning

Presented by Kirsten O'Brien on Wednesday 29th January 2025

Part One: introduction and overview of the pub.

Part Two: photos, the school and events.

Windsor pub scoops £5,000 for its community work after national award win

By Anaka Nair, Windsor & Eton Express (online) on Thursday 16 January 2025.

CamrAngle #72 Winter 24/25

You can read about how The Swan was named the UK's Best Community Pub Award in the Great British Pub Awards in this excellent CAMRA feature article. Please click on the page to get a HiRes version of it.

BBC Radio Berkshire Erika North's Sunday afternoon show

Presented by Erika North on Sunday 5th January 2025.

Part One: introduction and what's on:

Part Two: food offering and conclusion:


BBC Radio Berkshire Erika North's Sunday afternoon show

Presented by Mark Carter on Sunday 29th September 2024.

Letter from Jack Rankin, MP

We were surprised and pleased to receive a handwritten letter from Jack Rankin, our local MP, who has taken interest in the activities at The Swan.

Letter from Jack Rankin, MP for Windsor

The Morning Advertiser

GBPA 2024: Best Community Pub, sponsored by CCEP – the Swan, Windsor, Berkshire

The Swan in Clewer, near Windsor in Berkshire, is so much more than a pub to local people – it's a wonderful community hub that is making a real social impact in its local area. Published 23-Sep-2024. Read the article here.

The Morning Observer website

BBC Radio Berkshire

Whilst still in Manchester and still recovering from the Great British Pub Awards aftershow party, Micky was interviewed by Bridgitte Tetteh. Radio Berkshire have been following our story over the years and it was a great opportunity to chat about the Best Community Pub Award. Listen here.

BBC Radio Berkshire afternoon show - interviewing Micky about GBPA 2024

Presented by Bridgitte Tetteh on Wednesday 18th September 2024.

Magic FM

Sonali Shah, of the Magic FM afternoon show, invites people to call in with updates what is going on. A good Friend of The Swan, Dawn Chojnacki, had called in to spread the word about our Great British Pub Awards success.

Magic FM afternoon show - good news stories

Presented by Sonali Shah on Wednesday 18th September 2024.

Slough Observer

The day after the Great British Pub Awards ceremony, the Slough Observer ran the following article on their website. It is really appreciated by the pub to get local recognition like this. Thats to the Observer!

The Slough Observer website

18th Sept 2024: Image courtesy of the Slough Observer by Newsquest Media Group Ltd.

Mail Online

The day after the Great British Pub Awards ceremony, the Mail Online ran the following article on their website. We were proud to appear in the national press in this way.

The Mail Online website

18th Sept 2024: Image courtesy of the Mail Online by Associated Newspapers Ltd.

The Sun

The day after the Great British Pub Awards ceremony, The Sun ran the following article on their website. Wow! thanks to the team at The Sun for including us in their national article about the GBPA.

The Sun website

18th Sept 2024: Image courtesy of The Sun by News Group Newspapers Limited.

BBC Radio Berkshire

On Sunday 7th July, our General Manager, Micky Foden-Andrews, was interviewed on Radio Berkshire. During her regular Sunday Afternoon show, Erika North talked to Micky about being a finalist in the Great British Pub Awards and also what is going on in the pub during July. He certainly has a face for radio! And has been invited back too.

BBC Radio Berkshire - Erika North interviewing Micky about GBPA 2024

Presented by Erika North on Sunday 7th July 2024.

Royal Borough Radio

Richard Allen, director of the CIC, and Trudy Lowe, Friend of The Swan, were interviewed for the local online community show. Previously The Swan has been discussed sbout our 'Chatty Café'. This time it was regarding bring a finalist in the Great British Pub Awards.

Royal Borough Radio - The Community Matters Show

Presented by Lizzie Jones on Friday 28th June 2024.

Part One

Part Two

Windsor & Eton Express

The long running local newspaper The Express had an article on Friday 28th June.

The Swan is a 2024 Finalist

BBC Radio 2 - Anne Tebbatt talking about what's on at The Swan.

The Sara Cox Show presented by OJ Borg on Thursday 15th August 2024.

BBC Radio Berkshire - Micky Foden-Andrews talking about SwanFest and Volunteers

Presented by Erika North on Sunday 4th August 2024.

BBC Breakfast - Community Pubs with Richard Allen and Steve Alton (BII)

Presented by Steve Kay and Nina Warhurst on Tuesday 16th July, 2024.

View on BBC Breakfast interview on YouTube by just clicking the icon

BBC Radio Berkshire - Micky Foden-Andrews talking about the GBPA normination

Presented by Erika North on Sunday 7th July 2024.

Royal Borough Radio - The Community Matters Show

Presented by Lizzie Jones on Friday 28th June 2024.

Part One

Part Two

Windsor and Eton Express - Friday 28th June, 2024

The Swan is a 2024 Finalist

Community Matters with Lizzie Jones, Royal Borough Radio - Mirella's Sponsored Walk

Presented by Lizzie Jones on Friday 3rd May, 2024.

Thanks to Royal Borough Radio for the audio clip and permission to use it on this website.

Community Matters with Lizzie Jones, Royal Borough Radio - Chatty Café

Presented by Lizzie Jones on Friday 22nd March, 2024.


Bridgitte Tetteh's Saturday Morning Show, BBC Berkshire - SwanFest

Presented by Bridgitte Tetteh on Saturday 12th August, 2023.

Svenska Dagbladet Näringsliv - Så ska britternas 'andra vardagsrum' räddas

Written by Charlotta Buxton, published on Wednesday 2nd August, 2023.

Roughly translated … “This is how the British 'second living room' will be saved. Now a record number of pubs are closing - the British 'second living room' is facing a historic crisis. But there is a solution to save the pubs. The method, which has been described as 'fantastic', has now become widespread.” … Further translation to follow.


Hej! Some quick background on this pretty unique story. Dave behind the bar took a call from a 'famous' Swedish newspaper. They had learned about Christmas in July and other community activities that are run at The Swan. From that, Mark a photographer, arranged to come in during one our quiz nights, people might remember seeing him. Charlotta then interviewed Micky over the phone and this is the result! You can see it online at Svenska Dagbladet. Hälsningar till våra vänner i Sverige!


Phil Kennedy's Afternoon Show, BBC Berkshire - Chatty Café

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Tuesday 13th June, 2023.

Sarah Walker's Mid-Morning Show, BBC Berkshire - Renovations at The Swan

Presented by Sarah Walker on Tuesday 23rd May, 2023.

Community Pub's Swan Support.

Windsor & Express on Friday 3rd March, 2023

Swan Support is the 2023 charity supported by The Swan in Clewer

By Adrian Williams, Windsor & Eton Express (online) on Thursday 2nd March, 2023.


CAMRAngle (65) - Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor

“Local Pub News” (p5) and “Swanning About” (p20)

CamrAngle Issue 65 Winter 2022.

Sunday Afternoon Show, BBC Berkshire - Rene's 100th Birthday

Presented by Andy Jones on Sunday 6th Febuary, 2022.


CAMRAngle (64) - Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor

“Local Pub News” (p5)

CamrAngle Issue 64 Winter 2021.

Afternoon on BBC Radio Berkshire - SwanFest

Presented by Michelle Jordan on Friday 13th August, 2021.

Weekend of fun for family and beer-lovers at The Swan in Clewer

By Adrian Williams, Windsor Express on Friday 13th August, 2021.

CAMRAngle (62) - Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor

“Local Pub News” (p5) and “Open Sesame” (p7)

CamrAngle Issue 62 Summer 2021.

Breakfast on BBC Radio Berkshire - Freedom Day

Presented by Andrew Peach on Monday 19th July, 2021.

Breakfast on BBC Radio Berkshire - Update from the Pubs

Presented by Kirsten O'Brien on Monday 14th June, 2021.

Breakfast on BBC Radio Berkshire - What are you doing for the Euros?

Presented by Sarah Walker on Friday 11th June, 2021.

Breakfast on BBC Radio Berkshire - How is it Going?

Presented by Andrew Peach on Friday 4th June, 2021.

R&A Good Cheer Awards - Winners

R&A Magazine for May, 2021.

Afternoons on BBC Radio Berkshire - How Has It Been Since Re-Opening

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Friday 30th April, 2021.

Busker left disappointed as council objects to live performance at Windsor pub

By David Lee, Windsor Express on Friday 30th April, 2021.

Community Pubs - A Better Form Of Business 2020

By the Plunkett Foundation, published April 2021.

Presented by Andrew Peach on Monday 13th April, 2021.

Breakfast on BBC Radio Berkshire - We've Re-Opened

Presented by Andrew Peach on Monday 13th April, 2021.

Breakfast on BBC Radio Berkshire - We're Ready For Re-Opening

Presented by Andrew Peach on Monday 12th April, 2021.

Pubs and Shops Prepare to Open for Business

By David Lee, Windsor Express on Friday 9th April, 2021.

Breakfast on BBC Radio Berkshire - Getting Ready for Re-Opening

Presented by Andrew Peach on Tuesday 7th April, 2021.

CAMRAngle (61) - Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor

“Local Pub News” (p5)

CamrAngle Issue 61 Spring 2021.

Breakfast on BBC Radio Berkshire - Opening or Not?

Presented by Andrew Peach on Monday 15th March, 2021.


Breakfast on BBC Radio Berkshire - Review of Last Months

Presented by Vernon Harwood on Wednesday 30th December 2020.

CAMRAngle (60) - Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor

“Local Pub News” (p5), “The Swan Swoops To Victory” (p6-7) and “Bavarian Berkshire” (p8-9)

CamrAngle Issue 60 Winter 2020.

Pubs strive to create 'online Christmas' in wake of tier 4

By Adrian Williams, Windsor Express on Thursday 24th December, 2020.

Clewer community pub's £1,000 gift to help families

By Francis Batt, Windsor Observer on Thursday 5th November 2020.

Community-owned Clewer pub finalist in national awards

By Kieran Bell, Windsor Express on Tuesday 25th August, 2020.

BBC Radio Berkshire presented by Phil Kennedy with Anne Tebbatt discussing the Great British Pub Awards nomination

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Monday 24th August 2020.

CAMRAngle (59) - Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor

“Local Pub News” (p5) and “Swan Scoops Award Nomination” (p16-17)

CamrAngle Issue 59 Autumn 2020.

Village pub in final for national awards

By Kieran Bell, Windsor Express on Friday 21st August, 2020.

BBC Radio Berkshire presented by Bridgitte Tetteh at The Swan re-opening

Presented by Bridgitte Tetteh on Saturday 4th July 2020.

BBC Radio Berkshire presented by Phil Kennedy with Will Calvert discussing The Swan re-opening

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Friday 3rd July 2020.

BBC Radio Berkshire presented by Phil Kennedy with Anne Tebbatt discussing the pub re-opening on July 4th

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Friday 26th June 2020.

Life saving defibrillator installed at Clewer's community pub

By Francis Batt, Windsor Observer on Monday 8th June 2020.

BBC Radio Berkshire presented by Phil Kennedy (defibrillator)

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Wednesday 4th June 2020.

BBC Radio Berkshire presented by Phil Kennedy (update)

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Tuesday 21st April 2020.


CAMRAngle (57) - Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor

“Clewer pub nominated for two national awards” (p4) and “W&E Brewery - a right royal welcome” (p10-11)

CamrAngle Issue 57 Winter 2019.

BBC Radio Berkshire live at The Swan presented by Phil Kennedy

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Friday 11th October 2019.

CAMRAngle (56) - Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor

“Community comes together to embrace new community hub” (p8-9)

CamrAngle Issue 56 Autumn 2019.

In pictures: The Swan pub reopens its doors

By Kieran Bell, Windsor Express on Friday 26 July 2019.

The Swan pub in Clewer sets reopening date.

By Kieran Bell, Windsor Express on Thursday 20 June 2019.

CAMRAngle (55) - Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor

“Sneaky Beak at The Swan” (p4)

CamrAngle Issue 55 Summer 2019.

BBC Radio Berkshire, Phil Kennedy with Richard Allen

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Tuesday 28th May 2019.

The Swan pub in Clewer holds BBQ for supporters.

By Kieran Bell, Windsor Express on Friday 4th May, 2019.

BBC Radio Berkshire, Phil Kennedy with Anne Tebbatt

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Friday 26th April 2019.

CAMRAngle (54) - Slough, Maidenhead and Windsor

“Keys of The Swan now with Community” (p4)

CamrAngle Issue 54 Spring 2019.

Raising a glass for group who saved The Swan.

By Kieran Bell, Windsor Express on Friday 8th February, 2019.

Here's to The Swan and a group effort.

By Kieran Bell, Maiden Advertiser on Thursday 7th February, 2019.

BBC Radio Berkshire 5pm News

Presented by Tara Maxwell on Monday 4th February 2019.

BBC Radio Berkshire at The Ceremony of the Keys

With Phil Kennedy and Jo Beck on Monday 4th February 2019.

The Swan campaigners receive keys to pub.

By Florence Leslie, Windsor Express on Saturday 2nd February, 2019.

BBC Radio Berkshire, Phil Kennedy with Will Calvert (keys received)

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Thursday 30th January 2019.

Campaigners exchange contracts for The Swan pub.

By Kieran Bell, Windsor Express on Thursday 10th January, 2019.

The Swan pub is almost ours.

By Anne Tebbatt, WWRA West Wind Newsletter of January 2019 (note: PDF download).


Community group has bid for The Swan pub accepted.

By Kieran Bell, Windsor Express on Friday 30th November 2018.

BBC Radio Berkshire, Phil Kennedy with Richard Allen (bid accepted)

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Monday 26th November 2018.

BBC Radio Berkshire, Phil Kennedy with Will Calvert (bid accepted)

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Monday 26th November 2018.

BBC Radio Berkshire, Phil Kennedy with Willie Calvert

Presented by Phil Kennedy on Monday 12th November 2018.

Group puts in its bid to buy pub.

By Kieran Bell , Windsor Express on Friday 9th November 2018.

Campaigners raise more than £110k to save the Swan pub.

By Kieran Bell, Windsor Express on Saturday 3rd November 2018.

Plans to reopen The Swan pub take a step closer

By Kieran Bell, Windsor Express on Friday 19 October 2018.

Stats show scale of pub closures in Slough and Windsor

By Will Taylor, Windsor Express on Friday 03 August 2018.

Fight to revive The Swan

By Francis Batt, Windsor Observer on Friday 6th April 2018.