The Swan

Our Next Cheese & Wine

Our next cheese night is currently being planned. Please come back in a few days for more info.

Cheese and wine nights occur every second month, usually on the third Tuesday of the month. Tables can be pre-booked via the Bar Staff using the email address Cheese and wine is available throughout the pub, including both The Coach House and The Courtyard. Heaters are available for the colder evenings. Kick-off is always at 7pm.

Our host is The CheeseMunger of Windsor himself - Mike Unger - who regularly provides around six different cheeses of different types (soft, hard, goat's and blue) which vary each time to keep it interesting. Crackers and chutney are available from him too.

Tuesday 29th March, 2022

Mike was back for a slightly delayed evening of Cheese and Wine. He had a very good excuse: it was his silver wedding anniversary. There was another great selection of cheese available to choose from including a rare Red Windsor cheese which was absolutely die for. It is firm and moist cheddar laced with boh port and brandy made by the Long Clawson Dairy in the Vale of Belvoir. There was also an excellent Brie that was deliciously runny.

The Windsor Red cheese
Edam and other cheeses

Tuesday 22nd February, 2022

The CheeeseMunger was back and had a fabulous selection of over nine different cheeses. There biscuits aplenty and some rather delicious premium chutneys which made the cheeses zing.

The cheese selection provided by The CHeeseMunger
Table of regulars enjoying the cheese

Tuesday 25th January, 2022

Mike was back in a packed pub. We had guests from Home Instead and the Book Club was on too. He had a fine selection of cheeses based upon the six nations raugby which is coming up. It was also Burns night - many were surprised that he was an acoomplished cheesemaker.

The cheese selection provided by The CheeseMunger
Table of regulars enjoying the cheese
The Book Club who also partook in some cheese.

Cheese inluded Lyburn (ENG), Morbier (FRA), Cashel Blue (IRE), Taleggio (ITA), Isle of Mull (SCO) and Gorwydd Caerphilly (WAL). Connor had matched these with offers from The Bar. A great selection - a great night!

Tuesday 16th November, 2021

Mike chose the following cheeses for the night:

  • Goats: Rosary garlic & herb and also Irish St. Tola
  • Soft: Baron brie and Irish rind-washed Durrus
  • Hard: Keen's cheddar and Red Leicester
  • Blue: Sticheltonamd a Danish Blue
The CheeseMunger with some customers
The Cliffords and friend enjoying some cheese with their wine
Every table in the pub was busy and had cheese on it
Every table in the pub was busy and had cheese on it

Wednesday 15th September, 2021

Who would have thought it would almost be a full year before our follow-up cheese & wine. It was hotly anticipated by the community especially after our successful online extravaganza. Mike Unger - The Windsor CheeseMunger - provided some excellent post-lockdown / post-Brexit cheeses. Micky - our general manager - gave some really special offers on wines to help the digestion. As always, the place was busy. We are really looking forward to the next one in a month.

The CheeseMungfer with some customers Garry, Joise and friedn enjoying the cheese with a little beer
The Cliffords and friend enjoying some cheese with their wine A packed pub
Every table in the pub was busy and had cheese on it Mike Unger

Saturday 6th February, 2021

A very popular online event to help get us through Lockdown 3. Seems people like beer and cheese with a little entertainment thrown in too. AND it was Rene's 99th birthday too! See our Photo Diary for that evening.

Richard Allen
Will Calvert
Mike Unger

Tuesday 6th October, 2020

It was a with a little trepidation that we organised the first post-lockdown Cheese and Wine evening. Mike - The Cheesemunger - came back with a strong selection of excellent cheeses. We were so happy by the turnout by the local community!. All the tables in The Pub and The Coach House were booked, and The School Room was in use. A resounding success such we are making this a monthly event for the rest of the year.

The Cheese Menu
In the pub - one of the tables enjoying themselves In the pub - one of the tables enjoying themselve
In the pub - one of the tables enjoying themselve In The Coach House - one of the tables enjoying themselve

Tuesday 11th March, 2020

On Wednesday evening the Cheesemunger visited The Swan. He brought along an excellent and varied selection of British cheeses. We were slightly unsure how many people would come, and were pleasantly surprised to say the bar was full and the cheese was going down an absolute storm. Mike's selection was spot on and many of the cheeses sold out by the end of the evening. A resounding success and one to do again!

The excellent cheese board which was well stacked Discussing the cheese available
The Cheese Munger with his son A packed pub
The Cheese Munger ready for business The cheese night was very wel received

Lest we had known this was out last event prior to the covid-19 lockdown. How our world would change ...

The Cheesemunger

The Windsor CheeseMungers is a retail cheese outlet selling a variety of locally produced British cheeses. It is run and owned by local entrepreneur Mike Unger who is extremely popular with his cheese and wine evenings. Not only did you get an excellent selection, but also an explanation of how the cheese was produced, where it was from, etc.

Mike is also a regular at our mini-market events that are held at the end of each month. The Courtyard is taken over with stalls, a prominent and very busy one is that of The CheeseMunger. If you want to ensure the best selection, go early!

Mike also participated in our online beer and cheese tasting evening during the third lockdown. He chose the cheeses, Will Calvert chose the beers. It was themed for the rugby six nations as that was on at the time. We wont mention the result of that day. This proved a very popular substitute to the cheese & wine nights and we are sure to have another - but this time face-to-face.