February 2021
Here is a round-up of the events from The Swan during February, 2021. This was during Lockdown Three, 19/12/20 to 11/04/21.
3rd Feb: Online Bingo
Another evening of pure escapism under the watchful eye of 'resident caller' Richard Allen saw many more bingo winners. Congratulations to Sophie Drake (a double winner), Martin and Trudy Payne, Sue Rigby, Louise Winch, Joanne Decoutho and Faye Fulton. The same exciting fun will be back on Wed 17 Feb.

6th Feb: Beer and Cheese Tasting
Congratulations and sincere thanks to all who made our 6 Nations beer and cheese evening such a success. Plans are evolving for another online evening of fun with different themes but hopefully an equally successful event. It was well attended ad we had reached our limit for cheese and beer.

Richard Allen was our compere (and also did one of the entertainment rounds), Will Calvert proposed and introduced the beers, whilst Mike Unger (the CheeseMunger) had selected and introduced the cheeses.

Over a three(ish) hour period we went through six different beer and cheese combinations - one for each of the six nations countries. Okay there was a slight cheat with the French bier, but it was necessary. In between the tastings, we plaid a few games too to allow the beer and cheese to settle; also allow for the odd pitstop too.

As well as introducing the various beers and cheeses, discussing the virtues of each and pointing out some small inadequacies of the alternative, our experts also took questions from the floor.

Towards the end of the evening, one of the entertainment rounds was "heads and tails", an old rugby game that has very little thinking required but basically can get you off your bum. We don't actually know who won, that stays withion the tasting. Maybe you can spot yourself or someone you know.

It was one young lady's birthday on the night so all sang a wee song for her. Rene - the pub's oldest patron - was a spritely 99 years young. Happy birthday. Apologies for the bad singing.

Unfortunately we didn't get photos for everyone but hopefully you know you were there!

And by the way, did anyone mention the scores? Worth looking up and may explain the number of Scots related items seen in the photos.
8th Feb: Book Club
It's not often we get a picture from the Book Club, but we are pleased that they shared this one with us. As usual they were discussing their favourite books or a recent read, and they were also choosing their Spring choice (to be announced shortly).

10th Feb: Online Quiz
Another guest quiz master this week - Paul Drake took over the reigns and set a jolly good quiz. Some found it a wee bit hard but the grey cells were definitely working. The quiz will be back on Wed 24 Feb when it will be set by the RubyQ team. BTW can you spot the erroneous 'tache in the screenshots below?
- Individual - Anne Tebbatt & Ann Payne
- Household - Sid and Sheila Allen
- Team - The Snowy Swans

17th Feb: Online Bingo
Bingo dabbers were in action again online on Wednesday evening. With Richard Douglas finally able to shout BINGO the list of those not eligible for the virtual cruise is shrinking. The other winners this week, who had already booked their place at the Captain's table, were Martin Payne, Peter Clifford, Jayne Hosmer, Sophie Drake and Debbie Hodkin.

24th Feb: Online Quiz
Many thanks to quizmasters RubyQ (Fiona, Andrew & Caitlin) for a challenging evening. Congratulations to our worthy winners:
- Household - Anne Mograby & Mick Hill
- Team - Spring Swans & Muddy Boots