June 2021
Here is a round-up of the events from The Swan during June, 2021.
6th June: Volunteering Matters
Volunteers, supporters and helpers have been the backbone of our social fabric during the entire COVID pandemic, alongside ensuring some critical operational aspects of healthcare and industry have been delivered. Volunteering Matters CEO Paul Reddish along with his father Paralympian Tim Reddish CBE took on a massive challenge to showcase volunteering projects in the UK. They set out in Volunteer's Week, on a gruelling 1000km cycle tour to give a heartfelt thanks and celebrate as many of these incredible people as possible.
Volunteers have been at the very heart of the response to the pandemic. The generosity and commitment given by ordinary people giving up their own time on vital support services such as local mutual aid groups, supporting isolated people and vaccine roll out have achieved some incredible things. This is a great way to shine a spotlight on their incredible work and say thank you.
Run solely by volunteers and born out of a COVID-19 mutual aid group in London, UK. #PinYourThanks enables the Great British public to give a lasting, heartfelt and personal thank you to their pandemic 'heroes' by giving beautiful pin badges designed by celebrities and public figures, all whilst raising money for good causes.
The Visit
Paul and Tim stopped at The Swan on their penultimate day of their ride through Britain. As well as taking on some refreshments, they gave out some awards to local community members who had been highlighted as making a significant contribution. IT as June 6th and a nice day, not too sunny so ta lads could continue on without getting heat exhaustion.

We Pinned Our Thanks on Tony Cross
Tony Cross,a Weekday Warrior, collected a Pin and a bag of goodies from Volunteering Matters. This recognising the effort he has been putting in to our local community hub.

9th June: Quiz Night
Winners on the evening: The Summer Swans

There was a good turn out for the quiz - people deciding it was safe enough after the lockdown that things could return to normality. Some day prefer The Courtyard to being inside, totally understandble.

13th June: Football and BBQ
Good weather, pub re-opened, and England playing Croatia at footbal. What&39;s not to love? Ian and Tony manned our famous BBQ, whilst the TVs had the footie on. And England won 1-0. Not resounding but sufficient. A good day for everyone.

BBQ and Race Go-ers
There was a special event at The Racecourse and a number of the party do-ers decided to pop in and take on a little food and water. Luckily we were having a BBQ too so they could avail themselves of some scrummy burgers.

23rd June: Quiz Night
Winners on the evening: The P*** Heads

27th June: Courtyard Market
Sunday saw another Swan Mini-Market with some new and some familiar stalls set up to entice one and all. Despite the uncertain weather forecast many customers were drawn by the prospect of a bargain, and a BBQ. Catering for a wide variety of tastes, we welcomed back The Cheesemunger, the Chilli Jam Lady and the Craft Co-Op stall amongst others.
the stallholders also helped us to get nearer to opening our own kitchen with each giving a percentage of their takings on the day to The Swan. The next Mini Market will be on Sunday 25th July. Put the date in your diary - the sun will be shining!

The volunteer team were busy with the BBQ, stall and helping others that we didn't get more photos of the actual market, just the set-up! The BBQ again raised several hundres of Her Majesty's pounds sterling to contribute to the renovations. Thank you to all involved.