November 2021

Here is a round-up of the events from The Swan during November, 2021.

1st Nov: Board Games

Even though it is dark and getting cold, there was a table of die hard board gamers in tonight. Playing games old and new under the watchful eye of Windsor's board games designer, Simon Russell.

Board Games Night

5th Nov: Bonfire Night

Before the event there was a lot of prep work done by the bar staff, volunteers and the school. The school were responsible for the two Guys that were to be burnt on the night (they were premiered the day before at Epic Thursday). Didn't they do a fab job of them?

The unveiling of the Guys Bonfire lit and ready for action
Special hot chocolate was also available Wood was piled high for the bonfire
The two Guys ready for the ceremony

Who doesn't love a bonfire? Our brazier out in The Courtyard does an excellent job whilst keeping it contained and people safe. All the correct safety requirements were observed. And we got to burn the guys too!

Lovely orange and red flames with a black background
The flames got quite high from the brazier
One of the Guys going in
You can almost feel the heat of the bonfire from this photo
Dirk the Guy being brought out for burning
Dirk the Guy up in flames

The pub was busy inside and out as the local community turned out for a fun evening.

The Courtyard was full of people
Kids were playine with sparklers (and supervised)
Jackets were certainly required for the eveniong chill
Not a spare table anywhere at The Swan

Which included live music from a new band for us - BackTrak. They were excellent and are sure to return in the future.

BackTrak - a four piece band
The crowd stayed on for the music
BackTrak again

9th Nov: Cribbage

Cribbage was back albeit with slightly less players this time. That said, they all had a n enjoyable evening. Fancy trying it? Tuition is available.

Cribbage players on the big table

10th Nov: Quiz Night

A close fought quiz this week saw 3 teams face a tie-break question. The Four Cuts were closest with their answer to how many miles of canal there are in Venice (26 if you were wondering). The photo shows the debate over the tie break question.

The Four Cuts

14th Nov: Albert Street Gals

The Albert Street Gals performed an excellent medoly of well known hits for us in The Courtyard. They performed as part of our commemorations for those who have sacrificed so that we can live.

The Gals in full flow
Lexie giving the audience some info about what it was all about
Albert Street Gals doing a salute

16th Nov: Cheese & Wine Night

Mike chose the following cheeses for the night:

  • Goats: Rosary garlic & herb and also Irish St. Tola
  • Soft: Baron brie and Irish rind-washed Durrus
  • Hard: Keen's cheddar and Red Leicester
  • Blue: Sticheltonamd a Danish Blue
The CheeseMunger with some customers
The Cliffords and friend enjoying some cheese with their wine
Every table in the pub was busy and had cheese on it
Every table in the pub was busy and had cheese on it

19th Nov: Children in Need

Running all day of Friday 19th November, 2021 we were aiming to raise as much cash for Children in Need as possible. As everyone knows, the Covid Lockdowns have contributed to the poor mental and physical wellbeing of youngsters across the UK. They need our help more than ever.

During the day, we:

  • Attempted to rowing the length of the Thames.
  • Had the BBQ to end all barbecues.
  • Gorged ourselves from the cake sale.
  • WaxedMicky's beautiful legs. Oooo-er!
  • Were entertained with live music from The Freeranger.
  • Sold doggy dinners.
  • And when remembered, had random quiz rounds.

Final Total Raised

To the sound of a drum roll (please just imagine it!) .... The Swan raised a total of: £1,455.36 so far. This is made up of £1015 from Just Giving and £440.36 from donations and the various activities throughout the day. Please note that this doesn't include any Gift Aid which Just Giving and the Children in Need charity will recover. To all those who donated time or money - You are an absolute STAR!! Thank you very much for your donation. It really means a lot to us and to BBC Children in Need. We couldn't do what we do without your support. Much Love, Micky and The Swan Team.

Some Thank Yous

Whilst Children in Need is all about the children, without the selfless actions of many it we wouldnt have been able to raise any money. We must thank these folk who gave upo their time (and a lot of energy) to make this happen.

Firstly, to ALL our bar staff at The Swan who donated 50% of their wages for Friday towards the cause and time on the rowing machine too. This was absolutely fantastic and we thank them all.

With a huge risk of missing someone, our rowers included the following: Micky, Peter Clifford, Tony Cross, the students of GR6, Connor Lindop, Simon Baker, Harry, Richard Douglas, Donovan Welch, David Feaver, Tony from WCH, Danielle Ramsay, Donovan Welch, Miranda Whybrow and others (if someone is missing, please tell us and we will add).

To our musician - The Free Ranger - also known as Rob Oliphant who plaid from 5.30pm donating his time for free. Huge thanks sir!

The BBQ and doggy dinner team included Rachel & Tony Cross, Trevor Harvey, Louise Winch and Ian Birch. Very tasty and thank you.

A huge thank you to the local businesses that supported up: Kris Cruisers and Handmade in Windsor.

And of course to our organiser, and our General Manager, Micky Foden-Andrews. A huge well done!!!

Pictures from the Day

Here are some of our brave rowers that were attempting to row the length of the River Thames.

The rowing machines all set up ready to go Teams of people turned up to use the two rowing machines
The first rower - Micky Rowers smiling - wait until later and see if they are still smiling
More rowers - Connor and a young lady (sorry dont know her name) Richard and Miranda on the rowing machines
Two ladies rowing being supported by onlookers The students of our school during their lunch break

And the bar staff all got involved too with some doing multiple stints on the rowing machine!

Harry throwing everything into the rowing
Micky pespiring a little on the rowing machine
One of the bar staff pulling on the machine
Connor breathing steadily

At 6pm Micky got his leg's waxed, just £2 a strip. This was VERY popular and people were actually calling in with pledges to 'help' make sure all of his legs were smooth. Some wanted to go higher but this wasn't allowed ... by Micky.

No blood - yet! Micky sitting with legs up ready for the next strip of wax
There were plenty of volunteers to help Micky wax his legs
Micky holding in a scream

24th Nov: Quiz Night

Enjoying the benefits of the outside heaters our winners this week, Haven't a Clue-A, were too hot to handle. Winning with 40 points despite the round called 'sex' not being quite what was advertised! Martin will be back again with more challenges on Wed 9 Dec.

Haven't A Clue

26th Nov: Coffee Morning

This month's coffee morning was to raise funds for the Windsor Homeless Project, our chosen 2021 charity. Despite the cold and damp, the community came out to support this very worthy cause. We had donations of fine cakes, and also of time to actually run it. We raised over £150 on the day with more to come. Huge thanks to all.

A fine spread of individual cakes
Lemon curd cake to the left which was the most popular Spread of cakes looking very tasty indeed
Rachel, our host for the morning Two slices of cake left between two plates - popular cakes
Chocolate brownies and flapjacks on view

As you can see, we had a number of regulars and some new faces too. All enjoyed the cake and coffee. All contributed to the Windsor Homeless Project.

Some of the locals enjoying the coffee and cake
Regulars to our coffee morning
Ladies enjoying the cake
One of Micky's special coffess ob view
Regulars enjoying the morning
Nick from Windsor Homeless Project
A lady who volunteers with WHP visiting for the first time with hubby

With our coffee mornings we aim to raise money for our chosen local charity, and for major ones when they have special days such as the Macmillan Coffee Morning and The Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal. All very worthy causes.

28th Nov: Market & BBQ

Our regular market and barbecue was held on the coldest days so far this autumn. It was VERY cold! The stall holders were wrapped whilst they were setting up before the market opened at noon. Over the afternoon we raised nearly £240 towards the renovation funds.

Stall holders in The Courtyard
The girls setting up the pre-owned clothes stall
Tony firing up the barbecu
Dawn with her used book stall

Here are a few photos of the stalls.

The clothes stall Another stall
The Courtyard had a lot of stalls set out A closer look at the clothes stall
Even shoes had been donated A busy Courtyarde
The barbecue team More clothes outside The Coach House

And yes, there were real live people there too but the team were a little busy to take photos. Do you have some?

Potential customers in The Coach House
Having a drink in the pub after visiting the market
Keeping warm at the brazier

The left over clothes have not gone to waste. Coats & shoes have gone to a local charity, other items are being donated to clothes banks, and some will be used for the last Epic Thursday of 2021. Nothing has gone to waste and will get re-used.

And when it got dark, it started snowing!

It was warm inside the pub
The Coach House
Heavy snow pictured at The Gates
The snow starting to lie in front of The Coach House

30th Nov: Book CLub

There was another meeting of our Book Club in the bar this evening. The ladies were discussing the chosen book (so forgot what it was) and also what they are reading now. They meet once a month - why not pop along?

The Book Club

30th Nov: Cribbage

Cribbage was back albeit with slightly less players this time. That said, they all had an enjoyable evening. Fancy trying it? Tuition is available.

Cribbage players on the big table
Cribbage players on the big table
Cribbage players on the big table

Events in October, 2021 Events in December, 2021