January 2021
Here is a round-up of the events from The Swan during January, 2021. This was during Lockdown Three, 19/12/20 to 11/04/21.
6th Jan: Online Bingo #11
Another fun night of Swan Bingo welcomed both new and regular players to the game. The first joke was on Richard Allen our resident caller when '39 more steps' was interpreted by most as number 39! The confusion didn't deter our worthy winners, who were:
- Game 1: John Decoutho (line) & Iain Morgan (house)
- Game 2: Colin Armfield (line) & Debbie Hodkin (house)
- Game 3: Joanne Decoutho and Anne Tebbatt (line) & Claire Clifford (house)

13th Jan: Online Quiz
Thanks to Anne Tebbatt for another challenging quiz and congratulations to our worthy winners:
- Individual - Ann Payne
- Household - Sheila & Sid Allen
- Team - Hettie's Heroes
The next quiz will be on Wed 27 Jan when the questions will be set by Hettie's Heroes leaving every opportunity for a new winning team!
20th Jan: Online Bingo
Another entertaining bingo event saw a phenomenal result as Sue Rigby scored a hat trick of wins. She was first to get a line in each of the 3 rounds plaid. What are the odds on that happening? We understand she is available for advice on how to choose lottery numbers!
Congratulations also to our other winners: Jayne Hosmer, Claire Clifford, Sophie Drake and Anne Tebbatt.

27th Jan: Online Quiz
Thanks to Colin Armfield and Sue Rigby (of Hettie's Heroes) for setting a challenging and quite different quiz this week. Winners were:
- Individual - Anne Tebbatt
- Household - The Cliffords
- Team - The Snowy Swans and Willie Wests