April 2021
Here is a round-up of the events from The Swan during April, 2021. Lockdown Three came to an end on 11/04/21 and the pub re-opened. Life started to begin some form of normality.
Online Quiz #17 (7/Apr/21)
With grateful thanks to question master Martin Payne for setting the questions in our last lockdown quiz. We offer congratulations to all who took part and in particular the worthy winners:
- Team - Spring Swans;
- Household - Oh Dear (aka The Baileys);
- Individual - Ann Payne.

10th Apr: Courtyard Clear-Up
People started arriving at ten and immediately got stuck-in to clearing-up The Courtyard. It has been used for sand, skips, workplace, etc and has had channels dug through it amongst a number of things. Everyone mucked in: bar staff, friends, nieghbours, passers-by ... you name it, they were roped in.

As well as the clearup, the annuals were being replaced and the rest having a really good tidy up - thye hadnt been attended to since the autumn.

The Courtard was brushed, and then brushed again, and then you guess it ... one more for good luck. Gazebos and umbrellas went up; so did the bunting. And the place organised to give the required social distancing necessary by the rules.

And shazzam, it was done ... okay took a lot of people four or more hours, but we got there and were rady for opening on Monday the 12th. Now fingers crossed for the weather!

Thanks to all of those involved. These are just a few of them, sorry we couldn't get a group photo due to the rules.

12th Apr: Re-Opening
Whahey! The pub has officially re-opened at 1pm on April 12th. This after Lockdown 3 that was imposed back last December, some four long months ago. The gates were opened and the community came for a small refreshment and to get the feel of a pub again. The good weather at lunchtime certainly helped.

A little too early for the new Bar Menu, people got their first sup of draught beer from a pub for many months. That first pint was something to savour and behold. Stories will be told in years to come.

It was good to see that The Courtyard was busy all afternoon and into the early evening. People were following the guidelines, staying socially distanced and enjoying the fresh air. When popping to the loo, masks were worn.

21st Apr: Dr Bike
Thursday saw another Dr Bike session in The Courtyard offering free safety checks and basic bike maintenance. The event was fully subscribed and coincided with GR6 Epic Thursday ensuring a lively and vibrant time in a very sunny Courtyard. It was good that Dr Bike coincided with Epic Thursday, The School's coffee morning every Thursday.

Following the model set up in Maidenhead a Windsor Cycle Hub, based initially at The Swan, is being established. It will be a separate charity aimed at helping more people to 'get on their bike'. Plans include cycle maintenance, restoring old bikes and events.
The start will see weekend midday meets for casual rides from The Swan open to all. Every Saturday from 12-1pm the Hub will be in The Courtyard, with tools and practical help, prior to an organised ride, for those interested, at 1pm. A small start but hoping to gradually build an active cycling community from The Swan.
23rd - 25th Apr: St George's Weekend
We hope you all had a great Weekend and got to spend some time celebrating at The Swan. The pub had been bedecked in St George's flags, we had special beer and our food van also had themed food especially for the weekend. As well as a quiz, we had activities for kids too.

Flags adorned the pub, even up on the scaffolding. There was a special beer from W&E Brewery to celebrate the weekend, and there were things to do for young and old. Unfortunately our music on both Saturday and Sunday was cancelled on advice from the local council.

Matilda certainly enjoyed making her very own dragon. The St George’s Day quiz proved popular with nearly 50 entries. Many of you knew your St George’s Day trivia but the 3 overall winners with the highest scores were Martin Payne, Mike Lee and Rebecca Clash. Congratulations to one and all.