July 2021
Here is a round-up of the events from The Swan during July, 2021.
14th July: The Wimbledon Flowers
Lavender Green Flowers donated a significant amount of potted and cut flowers after their stay at the Wimbledon Tennis Championship of 2021. They are absolutely beautiful and we are indebted to Lavender Green. Why not pop down and see for yourself? There is a real mixture of cut and potted flowers throughout the pub.

Thanks also must go to Miranda, Bez and Louise for their flower arranging and to all our other 'green finger' volunteers who help to keep the many wonderful displays looking fresh and watered. Your work is greatly appreciated.

Lavender Green Flowers are renowned as one of London's finest florists offering creativity, quality and passion which have grown to become their signature. It is always a delight when we receive a donation from them as it brings the whole pub alive. Thank you.
14th July: Quiz Night
Winners on the evening: No Clewer

Some photos of the evening taken aroung the pub by the volunteers who helped organise the evening.

15th July: Windsor Homeless Project
We ran a coffee morning for our local chosen charity, the Windsor Homeless Project. Excellent coffee, fab cakes and buns, and a good turn out meant we made nearly £250 for them. This was added to by £100 for our Euro 2020 sweepstake, of which £40 was donated by Kevin Burridge our winner. We are so glad that we can now get our coffee mornings back and hope to have them more regularly now.

We were delighted to host Nick Roberts - WHP Project Manager - at the morning. He collected the cheque for the sweepstake (and will receive the coffee donation via bank transfer). We hope to see more of him now the Covid restrictions are lifting.

We home to run more such events as this to raise funds for the WHP. Unfortunately Covid has limited what we can and can't do but lets hope for a better second half of the year sop we can raise funds for this very worthy cause.
19th July: AGM 2021
Our second birthday past a few weeks ago but due to Covid restrictions, it made running the AGM extremely difficult. We therefore delaid it until we could do it in a safe and legal way. The day was called 'Freedom Day' when the last of the restrictions were lifted, we called it our 'The Swan AGM'.
The AGM was streamed on Facebook Live to allow other Bevy members and the wider community to watch the presentations. We have added it to our YouTube channel for posterity. Enjoy!
The evening was opened by the Soul Duo who provided some excellent music as The Courtyard filled up. They will be back later in the year. They are the first band we have had in over a year due to covid restrictions.

The Courtyard was busy with circa 80 of our stakeholders, whether they be loanees or shareholders. It wasn't; the offer of a free half pint of beer (the boat was pushed out here!), nor the late evening sun that brought them, it was to hear the update on The Swan after a particular difficult year.

Our presenters were:
- Richard Douglas (master of ceremonies)
- Sasha Harbridge (finance)
- Richard Allen (GR6 and building)
- Anne Tebbatt (Friends of The Swan)
- Micky Foden-Andrews (bar)
- Will Calvert (summary)

The presentation and other information can be found on our AGM specific page. Over the years we will add following AGMs to keep them all in the same place.
Before the AGM, The Courtyard needed a little love and attention. A squad went in and sewpt the place, sorted out the furniture, and set up the areas for both the presentations and Soul Duo. And they also got to work on some new signage too. Good job guys!

See more in our renovation diary.
25th July: Courtyard Market
The BBQ was fired up from noon 'til three augmenting the normal burgers, etc with a popular breakfast option.

A fabulous display of Green Room farm produce was just one of the highlights at the recent Mini-Market. The weather stayed dry and The Courtyard was soon packed with happy shoppers of all ages enjoying the variety of stalls on offer.

Some pictures of the stall holders. Dawn and her books, The CheeseMunger and Lexie and her craft stall.

These were the stall looking fabulous just shortly before the market started.

People came out and after enjoying the market, enjoyed a little refreshment from The BAr to keep hydrated.

28th July: Quiz Night
Winners of tonight's Quiz were: Hettie's Heroes

And here are some more photos of the evening. As you can see, the pub was inside and out with many preferring to be in The Courtyard.

31st July: Saturday BBQ
We decided to round off July with a Saturday night BBQ from 5pm 'til 8pm. Usually very popular with the locals who enjoy the array of burgers, sausages and the likes on offer. However no one predicted the weather. We got it in a couple of pictures and videos which we would like to share.

The videos show a bit more of the downpour - our illustrious chefs don't seem to do well in water it appears. To save data consumption for mobile users, these videos will only load when plaid. No preview is possible.
And here is the bravery of Garry who was trying to get drinks from The Bar for Josie ... one at a time of course.