Traditional Press
Unfortunately not all press articles can be found on the web or some becomechargeable or some eventually disappear into the ether. We all think what goes on the web will stay there, in the same way, as when we first see it - not true. We have to rely on photos and scans so we can keep the articles here for your perusal and to record our history.
As you will see the quality is definitely variable. This is down to the quality of the original or the technique employed to get an electronic copy. We do hope you can make out the important bits and see how The Swan has been communicated to the wider area.
CamrAngle #72 Winter 24/25
You can read about how The Swan was named the UK's Best Community Pub Award in the Great British Pub Awards in this excellent CAMRA feature article. Please click on the page to get a HiRes version of it.
You can pick up issue 72 at The Swan or other pubs in the East Berks area. Four thousand CamrAngle magazines are published and distributed each quarter. Make sure you get yours!
Windsor & Eton Express: "Community Pub's Swan Support."
On Friday 3rd March, 2023.

Windsor Express: "Pub toasts to a weekend of fun and games."
On Friday 13th August, 2021.

Windsor Express: "Pubs and Shops Prepare to Open for Business"
By David Lee on Friday 9th April, 2021.

Windsor Express: "The Swan wins Great British Pub award."
By Amy Horsfield on Friday 2nd October, 2020.

Windsor Observer: "Saved pub wins Award for work during lockdown."
By Francis Batt on Friday 2nd October, 2020.

Windsor Express: "Village pub in final for national awards"
By Kieran Bell on Friday 21st August, 2020.

Windsor Express: "Raising a glass for group who saved The Swan."
By Kieran Bell on Friday 8th February, 2019.

Maidenhead Advertiser: "Here's to The Swan and a group effort."
By Kieran Bell on Thursday 7th February, 2019.

Windsor Express: "Group puts in its bid to buy pub"
By Kieran Bell on Friday 9th November 2018.

If you have newspaper clippings from any era and they are not presented here, can we ask you to send us a copy for inclusion. We are constantly trying to grow our database for future generations. Much of The Swan's history has been lost, we can stop that happening again.