September 2024
Here is a round-up of the events at The Swan during September, 2024.
2nd Sep: Windsor Ukulele Club
A week peek into the Coach House to see the Ukulele players pracising for their next gig. Over the last year or so, they have become very popular with the local community always bringing in a big crowd wherever they play. All are welcome whatever your level.

5th Sep: Windsor Town Fun Runners
Every week the Windsor Town Fun Runners meet at The Swan and then have a run round Windsor, Eton and the environs ending back at The Swan. Great camaraderie. Great fun. Why not join them?

7th Sep: Saturday Sewing Bee
The Sewing Bee meet every second Saturday in the bar. They bring along their personal projects and share updates, ideas, concepts, etc. It ranges from knitting, to sewing, to crochet, et al. And there is a wee chat too. Why not pop along? All welcome.

8th Sep: Annual General Meeting
The AGM was held on Sunday 8th September. Unlike previous years, it was not broadcast and no photos were taken. A hardcopy of the minutes is available which has been sent to The Bevy. Will scan this and add it in soon.
- Slides
- The Main Slides for 2024 can be viewed and downloaded as required. They give an excellent overview of the last year which has seen high energy costs and inflation.
- Minutes
- A hardcopy of the minutes is available which has been sent to The Bevy. Will scan this and add it in soon.
11th Sep: Quiz Night
Winners of this week's quiz were The Posse and the raffle, Cathy Kitson.

17th Sep: Great British Pub Awards
We are extremely proud to be chosen as the Winner of the 'Best Community Pub' category at the Great British Pub Awards 2024! The award was announced this week at a gala ceremony in Manchester, heralded as the Oscars of the pub industry. Pubs from across Britain compete for one of the industry’s most sought after accolades. It was presented live on stage to our General Manager, Micky Foden-Andrews who was joined by his wife, Jessica.
Photos from the actual award ceremony in Manchester.

This last photo is courtsey of the Morning Advertiser.
The ceremony was live-streamed to the pub, where a huge cheer went up as The Swan was announced as the winner, leading to an evening of jubilant celebration.

There is a YouTube video of the evening's activities both from Manchester and from the pub. It gives a flavour of the evening and the celebrations. Do enjoy!
19th Sep: Bingo
Bingo was back with a bang on 19th Sept, with more players than ever after a short summer break, so we had to spill out into the Coach House! It was caller Richard's Birthday so their were more surprise age and year related calls and a rousing chorus of 'Happy Birthday' among the usual destruction of 'Dancing Queen', 'When I'm 64' and 'Staying Alive'.

Carol and Amy came out tops in the Top of the Bill final cash game, winning £13 and £30 respectively, both having won boozy prizes earlier in the evening, together with Dawn, Cathy and Martin.



The next Bingo night is Thurs 17th Oct - make sure you book your table well in advance!
21st Sep: Skills Fair
A huge thank you to everyone who came down to the Skills Fair on Saturday afternoon. The Swan was bursting with activities and it was lovely to see so many joining in the creativity and learning new skills.

The day finished with some very extravagant catwalk modeling in our debut 'Great Swan Sewing Bee' competition - thank you to everyone who took part!

We hope this will be the first of many Skills Fairs in which we show off all that The Swan and the Community have to offer. If you missed out this time, and would like to be involved in the next, please get in touch!
More pictures to follow.
24th Sep: Windsor Town Runners
Everyone is welcome on Wednesdays. Come join us, might just be the best decision you've made all year. Different route each week.

25th Sep: Quiz
It was a relatively quiet night for the Quiz this week, with a number of teams low in number as the winter sniffles start to take hold. But on the upside, we all squeezed into the bar to enjoy another of Quiz Lord Martin's eclectic mix of questions. The Desperados came out on top, winning the tie break against Hettie's Heroes, and Debs Solo picked a glass of wine from the raffle, having played a blinder in the quiz as a one-person team!

26th Sep: Swan Elder
GRC welcomed Swan regular Nicole Caton in the week as our Swan Elder. Nicole's energetic talk about the therapeutic power of our sense of smell was fascinating. Students even created their own scents to help soothe and calm.

26th Sep: Epic Thursday
Local author Tim Walker popped into Epic Thursday this week. He kindly donated a signed copy of his self published book of short stories, Thames Valley Tales. Tim's keen to share his knowledge of writing and self publishing with the GRC students.

27th Sep: Macmillan Coffee Morning
Thanks to the volunteers, bakers, staff, and customers (especially those from our 2024 charity, the King George VI Day Centre) who came out in some dreadful weather to contribute to Macmillan Cancer Support. Together, we managed to raise £193.11 during the morning.

27-29th Sep: Oktoberfest
Report to follow.

Here is what was on offer over the weekend.

29th Sep: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
This month's Film Night was the classic Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Not only was it was Swan Film Night, it was also part of the prestigious Windsor Fringe. As you can see, the regulars took to the occasion getting appropriately dressed up as King Arthur, Sir Lancelot and other characters from the film. However, there was no sign of Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film. What a night!

September Newsletters
Although our news page has all the newsletters, we thought it might be easier to access this month's ones from here.
- 06/09/2024: Community News from your Community Pub!
- 13/09/2024: Are we Britain's Best Community Pub?
- 20/09/2024: We are the Champions!
- 27/09/2024: Oktoberfest at The Swan!