Renovation Diary: October 2021
Week 39/21: 1st October 2021
Progress has continued as the ceiling in The Kitchen is now fully plastered. Prep work for the next phase has started with young Trevor down on his knees vacuuming.

The Warriors have now turned their attention outside where there is an urgent need to provide a fully functioning cellar hatch. After a lot of measuring, and digging in a confined space a template has been built.

The template has been installed ready for concrete that is due to be poured in on Monday.

Week 40/21: 8th October 2021
With Ian Gray finishing plastering in the kitchen, dry store and stairwell corridor Richard the decorator has applied the first mist coat of paint. As the kitchen continues to take shape the Warriors have been giving it a good tidy up and planning the drainage around the cellar hatch.

Other Swan Heroes have been busy installing new electrics for the covered area heating and extending the fire alarm and CCTV systems. With the weather turning and dark nights drawing in the Warriors have needed to catch up with some much needed building repairs and remedials around the pub and courtyard.
Meanwhile inside the bar there was a bit of a tidy up and putting out the blankets as the nights are now drawing in.

Meanwhile The Coach House got some new rugs and the plants at the front door a little attention.

Week 41/21: 15th October 2021
The team got their wish and got some dry days to address the concreting around the cellar hatch. Also with the school now out for half term, the guys can make as much noise as they want as they were not allowed to interrupt the lessons.

The lads were also up on the flat roof of the gents toilet. This has been a source of leaks for many years and the guys hads to strip back and re-instate a lot of the roofing/sealing materials.

On Monday, the bar didn't open until 5pm to allow volunteers to go in and spruce the place up a bit. The Courtyard was swept down and plants given their autumnal cut back. The back wall of The Coach House was repainted and the doors tocuhed up. Both gents and ladies toilets were prepped for further work and some painting accomplished in The bar itself. More next Monday!

Got time on Monday 22nd? Why not pop down and get stuck into a variety of tasks that we have to keep the momentum going and spruce the place up ready for the festive period.
Week 42/21: 22nd October 2021
Making the most of Maintenance Monday the team installed a new, longer, counter top at the rear of the bar and in the process undertook a thorough clean up of the area behind the fridges.

Meanwhile work to bring the cellar hatch up to scratch continued to near completion. A new hatch cover is next on the agenda.

Thomas who created these new, fortunately temporary, gates. The old ones will be back soon with improved security features to benefit both the pub and the school.

Week 43/21: 29th October 2021
Flushed with success the team made maximum use of another maintenance Monday to catch up on a number of much needed renovations. Micky spent much of the day in the cellar cleaning and painting the wall and roof. Having repainted the wall in the gents Trevor says, please boys, keep the aim straight and true!

In The Kitchen the battens have been fitted to the rear wall ready for the required insulation prior to fitting the boards onto which the kitchen equipment will be fitted!

We welcomed the safe return of the refurbished Courtyard gates which now offer greater security for both the Swan and GR6 pupils. Thanks to Aiden and John for adding the finishing touches.