Renovation Diary: September 2021
Week 35/21: 3rd September 2021
An extraordinary team effort this week must be congratulated. The Weekday Warriors have been joined by GR6 staff and Micky, our General Manager. Collectively they have installed the ceiling boards in The Kitchen, begun the replacement of the wall and door into the dry-store room and even found time to take a pick axe to The Courtyard flooring. Always a busy week but some highly visible progress has been made this week. Sincere thanks to all those involved.

Some would say this is slo-mo but Micky has assured us that this was him at full speed ;)

Week 36/21: 10th September 2021
The Warriors have been hard at it again this week. The fire boarding of The Kitchen ceiling is now complete. Next week work will start on fitting the battens and boarding to the walls in readiness for plastering. To minimise disruption to GR6 pupils the Warriors also found time to install trunking for the power cables in The Stables.

Meanwhile in the pub itself Micky was putting in a book case which will be stocked up in the very near future.

Week 37/21: 17th September 2021
The Warriors have continued with the behind-the-scenes work in The Kitchen and The Storeroom Even thou' the school is now back, they are charging ahead getting ready for the 2nd fix of the electrics and the installation of the kitchen equipment.

Following a report produced by a professional fire risk assessment company, the team could carry on with the plan: more fire boarding and preparing for battening the walls in The Kitchen. We will be adding some photos to the website shortly.

For aficionados, this is the new staircase up to The School House with what was purported to be the tunnel to the church at its base. The staircase has had its 2nd fix cover this week, sounds simple but needs a lot of work and time.

Week 38/21: 24th September 2021
The Warriors have been prepapring The Kitchen walls for plasterboarding. As this have a lot of equipment attached to it, this has to be prepared very carefully with fixing points and supports all in the right place.

Aided by Ian the Plasterer, the Warriors have seen further significant progress this week. The Store Room ceiling has now been plastered and very shortly The Kitchen ceiling should have reached a similar milestone.

This week has seen the opening of the GR6 office, which you may have seen being installed in Stable One. This new space gives the GR6 team a breakout room for small sessions and meetings, as well as a therapeutic space. We're really pleased with the work that has been done and want to thank everyone in The Swan community for their patience whilst this vital work has been carried out.

In parallel, Keith (Electrician) and the Warriors have been doing further work on the electrics for the stables - with the added advantage of improving the power supply to the outside heaters - winter is coming! Sorry, no photos of this.