Renovation Diary: August 2021
Week 31/21: 6th August 2021
The volunteers have continued to turn their hand to many varied tasks this week, too many to do justice to here. Tony can be seen preparing a new support beam for The Kitchen ensuring that the first fix electricity and water pipes remain uninterrupted. At the AGM it was reported that a further 8 beams needed to be reinforced in the ceiling. Thanks to our Warriors 3 have been completed and 4 more are in progress.

Meanwhile Thomas, amongst other tasks this week, has been displaying his carpentry skills as part of the SwanFest preparations. And John has completed another flower bed at the front wall.

Week 32/21: 13th August 2021
This week work has continued on the stable blocks as all five stables will be graced with power and lights! External lights will also help to add to the ambience of The Courtyard. Stable 5 will give Windsor Cycle Hub a home and Stable 1 will be made fit for a school office and breakout/therapy room for GR6.

Once the kitchen equipment is out, the rest will be a blank canvas for pop up enterprises, market stalls, private dining, a horse...who knows! Thanks as ever to our Warriors for helping to clear the decks, to Keith our electrician for bringing the power and Artur and his team for the building work. Another part of The Swan is coming back to life!
Week 33/21: 20th August 2021
The Warriors returned to the fray later this week, having earned some time off for good behaviour with their work towards the SwanFest. Once back in the saddle they continued with The Kitchen works, doing some final preparation required for the power services, whilst also turning their attentions elsewhere.

And bringing in materials for the forthcoming works needed for the pub cellar hatch.

Week 34/21: 27th August 2021
The Weekday Warriors have excelled themselves this week with a lot of activity and a lot of progress. As soon as the long awaited final joist been fixed into The Kitchen ceiling the messy job of replacing the fibreglass insulation began.

Acoustic insulation has also been fitted into the stairwell leading to the School House and the walls were boarded ready for plastering. Not ignoring the outside area the final cable reel table has had a smart new top installed.

The last of the large bobbin reels had a new top added and that was varnished too. Looking great!

How many Warriors does it take to get a single cable across The Courtyard without digging a trench? Fortunately with welcome foresight the team had left a tube in place complete with a simple rope pull through. Three Warriors, a rope and little bit of tug of war saw the task complete in minutes!