February 2025

Here is a round-up of the events at The Swan during February, 2025.

12th February: Quiz Night

Quiz Night this week was packed to the rafters! It was tight at the top, but Patrick's Posse won by a whisker to claim the £25 bar tap prize. And then, Peter only went and chose the jackpot envelope in the raffle, walking off with a cool £110!!

8th February 2025 winners - Patrick's Posse
Peter won the jackpot in the raffle which he received from Martin, quiz master

14th February: Valentine's Cabaret Night

It was a sell-out for our Valentine's Cabaret Night in The Coach House. It was a stupendous night! An excellent 3-course meal, attentive but unobtrusive service and of course the amazing Marilyn providing the main entertainment

Our Marilyn playing the Ukulele
Our Marilyn welcoming guests to The Swan
Our Marilyn entertaining the guests
The Coach House was packed for the Valentine's Night
Our Marilyn working the audience
The Coach House was all dressed up in deep red, roses and balloons
Our Mariyln in traditional Marilyn Munroe white dress
Our Marilyn looking gorgeous in a long red dress

A number of videos were taken during the evening. We have added them to our YouTube channel which you can access via this button.

Behind the scenes, Micky was hard at it producing some fantastic meals.

A HUGE thanks must go out to Marilyn Munroe, aka Lexie Symons, and to Michael behind the bar.

The team had prepared The Coach House for a romantic evening filled with entertainment, excellent food, and great wine and beer.

19th February: Filming at The Swan

Richard Endacott was filming in The Swan with the directors about the various community projects based at the pub.

Pub closed for filming sign
Willie Calvert
Richard Allen being interviewed
Professional camera setup
The director is ensuring the interview looks great
A little makeup to make the interviewer look fab

20th February: Bingo Night

It was a bumper prize night at Bingo in February! Sally, Amy, Peter, Donna and Emma all won small drinks for lines, whilst Alice, Donna, Karen and Louise (twice!) all picked up House large ones! And Izzy, after coming for the best part of a year finally did good winning not only the line but also the House cash prizes for the Top of the Bill game, walking off with a cool £30! With Glamorous Assistant standing in for caller Richard and our newest and youngest ever bingo participant Baby Astrid getting a special (one) little Swan welcome gift, a great time was had by all!

The pub was packed for Bingo Night
Caller was Trudy as Richard was away on holiday
Izzy - Winner of both line and house in the cash round
Rosie with supporters

Our next bingo night is Thurs 20th March.

21st February: Conversational French

Mirella's conversational French class continues to grow - and they are off on a field trip to Paris next month to put it into practice (or drink lots of wine!).

The Conversational French Class

26th February: Quiz Night

It was tight at the top, but Hettie's Heroes won and claimed the £25 bar tap prize. Debbie won the raffle and drew a pint of beer.

26th February 2025 winners - Hattie's Heroes
Debbie won the raffle, a pint of beer

28th February: Charity Coffee Morning

We had our first charity coffee morning for our 2025 Charity, the Windsor Homeless Project. It was well attended and we raised £s;218 for them. Thanks to all who came and to the volunteers who ran it.

Cake table piling up with donations
Volunteers presenting cake and cash to our 2025 charity - Windsor Homeless People
A full cake table for our charity coffee morning

February Newsletters

Although our news page has all the newsletters, we thought it might be easier to access this month's ones from here.

Events in January, 2025 Events in March, 2025