June 2024
Here is a round-up of the events at The Swan during June, 2024.
4th June: Flower Power at The Swan
The sun has put in an appearance at The Swan, with hopefully more to come. It's arrival has been greeted by some wonderful floral displays. With more displays to come The Courtyard and front of the pub will soon look even better. Take a look, see for yourself and enjoy. Thanks to our Gardening Team which includes Ian Birch, Bas Williams, Izzy Brown, Bridget Wade, Ashley Sheehan and Dawn Chojnacki. Funds to do this have come from the community.

Congratulations to Izzy Brown who was awarded second in the Community Container class at the Royal Windsor Flower Show. Her 'Growing Swan', lovingly created from mostly garden seedlings and potting shed junk, is now proudly on display in the Courtyard.

12th June: Quiz Night
Sian was the winner of the draw and won herself a glass of wine of her choosing from the bar. This means that the pize money continues to rollover and will be £100 in a fortnight. Entry to the draw is free to all participants of the Quiz.

With Martin back as Quiz Master, this week's winners were Patrick's Posse who appear to be back to full strength. They won the £25 bar tab card which they will of course spend wisely.

18th June: Bingo Night
Another full house saw many new faces dabbing at Bingo this week. Congratulations to the winners who included Emma (twice), Amanda, Claire and Sharon. Apologies if any names have been missed.

18th June: The Bar Refurb
With GRC away climbing the mountain this week, a hard core crew turned their attention to the refurb of the pub. Nothing like 3 days and a deadline of the Euros, Bingo and Thai night to get things done!

The team got stuck in repainting the bar and the toilets. There was some reconfiguration going on too.

A huge thank you to all involved ... the Green Room team, Weekday Warriors, JAM Decorators, volunteers and pub staff joined forces to create an impressive transformation.

A special thanks to John and Dicky from JAM Decorators, fresh from renovating The Limes, moved down Mill Lane to give us a day of their expertise.

The results are beautiful! Still some more to do, but in the meantime come along and see The Swan in all its splendour.
25th June: RBWM Wildlife Garden Awards
The Wildlife Gardens Awards are open from the 1st April to 31st July each year in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. It is about making fantastic spaces for nature and helping the community understand and support wildlife, biodiversity and sustainability. We were excited to receive a Bronze certificate for all efforts including both from the school and the Friends of The Swan!

26th June: Quiz Night
This week's winners of the quiz were the Clewer Clogs, who won a tie-breaker with Patrick's Posse by guessing closest to the number of fireplaces in Windsor Castle (300).

Felipe from Relegation was hoping for the bag of crisps, but won a house spirit and mixer in the raffle. Next time's jackpot is £110

28th June: Chatty Café
It was Lynda's birthday and the chatters were out in force to celebrate. Someone had also brought along a cake too! Brilliant!

28th June: Charity Coffee Morning
We had our monthly charity coffee morning and were amazed when Jane from Philadelphia came along. She was visiting from America for a week to play cricket. She read about us online and baked lemon & whisky cake at her lodgings the previous evening.

A HUGE thanks to the volunteers and to the bakers who made this a morning to remember and raise funds for our chosen local charity, the King George VI Centre. Also to those who came along to support it.
30th June: Karaoke
Due to the popularity of Karaoke in May, Micky had arranged for a return this month. A good following came along to The Coach House to belt out a few of the classics that we all knew and sang along to.

30th June: The Producers
The last film screening - The Rocky Horror Picture Show - was a real success. This month Micky had arranged for the classic Mel Brooks's film The Producers to be shown in The School Room. Tickets were limited (and free) and small band got together to appreciate Gene Wilder et al in this Academy Award winning film.

June Newsletters
Although our news page has all the newsletters, we thought it might be easier to access this month's ones from here.
- 07/06/2024: The Swan is ready for some summer sun
- 14/06/2024: BBQ, Bingo and a Bar Makeover
- 21/06/2024: Have you heard the news?
- 28/06/2024: Join our Pride Party at The Swan!