March 2023
Here is a round-up of the events at The Swan during March, 2023.
1st March - Yoga
What could be more relaxing than an hour of rejuvenating Yoga in the soft lighting and calming atmosphere the Coach House? These people unwound and escaped the stresses of everyday life with a little relaxation ... and a wee drink afterwards!

6th March - Board Games
The first Monday of the month sees the pub hosting a regular board games night. Our local games inventor facilitates this with his knowledge, skill and some of his vast collection of games. It is for all ages and abilities and is thoroughly enjoyable.

8th March - Quiz Night
There was a real threat that this quiz would be under candle light after a power outage in parts of Clewer Village during the aftern noon. However, SSE managed to sort it out in time for the quiz. As usual, there was a good turn out with Hettie's Heroes winning on the night. The rollover wasn't won this week, instead it was a packet of crisps that Linda Morle won. Our next rollover will be £90.
9th March - Swan Elders
The Swan Elder at the Green Room College was Joe Donnelly, bass player from The Silencers, now Caezar. Joe talked about his illustrious career in music, and his life growing up in Glasgow with music as the thread that kept him on track. This gave the students an opportunity to ask questions and learn how music can play a huge part in your life.

10th March - James Brown
The ever popular James Brown was back at The Swan singing a mixture of styles that really did entertain the locals.

11th March - Windsor Cycle Hub
It was all go today for Windsor Cycle Hub. Making the most of the good weather, their Level 2 ride gently explored “Eton Polytechnic” (sic) and Upton Court Park, home of the legendary Slough Music Festival of '91. It was also the introduction of the new mobile bike kitchen.

13th March - Open Forum #3
The third open forum for investors took place Progress was shared and discussions held on a variety of topics.

22nd March - Quiz Night
What an exciting Quiz night we had last week! Teams moved up and down the running order at half time with 3 Desperados finally coming out on top to win the £25 bar tab, whilst Claire Clifford finally chose the right envelope to scoop the £90 roll over raffle jackpot!

25th March - Windsor Cycle Hub
Under blue skies and sunshine, some of today's “Explorer” riders relax over an enjoyable drink at The Swan. You can see some of WCH's “team” approach - working alongside their the WCH trained mechanics, an owner takes part in the repair of his bike. Another owner watches with interest while an intensive repair is undertaken on her bike.

30th March - Bingo Night
Another bingo night was well attended in The Coach House with some new players joining the regulars. First time Jacob won both the line and full house for the first and second games! Only in the last regular game was the spell broken by Louise (line) and Cristina (fh). The last game was a cash prize game with Emma winning £5 and Cristina £10. As you can, our bingo master - Richard Allen - was appropriately attired for the evening!

31st March - Coffee Morning
End of each month we have a charity coffee morning with all proceeds going to a nominated cause. This time it was our charity selected by the local community: Swan Support. After a quiet start, it built over ther the two hours so that the pub was really busy. We managed to raise £224 for Swan Support - thanks to everyone who contributed or came along!