January 2022

Here is a round-up of the events at The Swan during January, 2022.

12th Jan: Quiz Night

Congratulations to The Interminables who were worthy winners of the quiz this week, winning a Swan Bar Card to the value of £25 to enjoy at their leisure. The next quiz will be on Wed 26 Jan at 7:30.

Martin Payne at the helm - our quiz master extrordinaire
Family team enjoying themselves in the bay window A lot of debate going on in the two tables that are in this picture
Thinking hats and serious faces are on for this table Looks like this table dont want to share their answers with anyone
A team of two looking very confident - or is just laughing at how they are doing The winners - The Interminables

15th Jan: Bingo Winners Cruise

All the way through the covid-19 lockdown there was an ongoing joke amongst the players and our Bingo Caller: the winners would have a berth on a virtual Bingo Cruise once it was all over! Well it doesn't look like covid will be nearly over any time soon, but circumstances now could allow the cruise with correct vaccinatons and testing.

So after a lot of planning by the Friends of The Swan, the virtual ship set sail with an assortment of Bingo winners and their partners. There was a range of activities set up for the evening as well as welcome drinks and a buffet. For information, all the attendees had returned a negative lateral flow before the event.

Richard Allen telling the passengers what the format of the evening would berkshire One of the tables deep in discussion
Happy table of ladies raising their glasses - cheers! All the passengers in one photo
Richard Allen, bingo caller and master at arms
Four of the passengers with sailor hats on Tasting and discussing the punch that was provided

During the night there were organised games too. Obviously bingo with Richard Allen was a given, deck quoits a must as it was a cruise, a wee quiz was thrown in too, and of course the 'best dressed' passenger. This latter one was very difficult for the judges but our winner was Renee.

Richard Allen with bow tie, white jacket and captain's hat
Quoits being played in The Courtyard
Renee in her sparkling dress - winner of best dressed for the evening
Two ladies with huge smiles

There was a lot of organisation required for this event to make it the success it was. Special thanks go to Lexie, Louise and Rachel for setting up The Coach House and the core plan. And thanks to the rest who played their part too, especially our Bingo Caller. Some photos pre-cruise are below.

The Coach House decorated out
Sailor hats and other themed items sitting on the piano
Lovely big poster was donated for the virtual bingo cruise
Table decorations

18th Jan: Cribbage

The Cribbage players returned from the festive period raring to go. The regulars were there - why not join them? All welcome and tuition is avaiable.

The cribbage regulars

20th Jan: Bingo Night

A packed house greeted the return of Bingo to The Swan. With Richard Allen calling the numbers in his inimitable style a good time was had by all, especially the winners. A new 'bonus' round had players competing for the Golden Ticket (aka flier).

  • 1st: line and full house - Jen McGeachie.
  • 2nd: line - Jen; full house - Joanne Decoutho.
  • 3rd: line - Sarah Drake and Johnny; full house - Nicole Caton.
  • 4th (Golden Ticket): line (£4) - Lexie Sparks; full house (£20) - Connor Lindop.
Lexie happy with her £ winnings in the Golden Ticket game
All the tables were participating inside the pub
More full tables of Bingo participants

25th Jan: Cheese & Wine

Mike was back in a packed pub. We had guests from Home Instead and the Book Club was on too. He had a fine selection of cheeses based upon the six nations raugby which is coming up. It was also Burns night - many were surprised that he was an acoomplished cheesemaker.

The cheese selection provided by The CheeseMunger
Table of regulars enjoying the cheese
The Book Club who also partook in some cheese.

Cheese inluded Lyburn (ENG), Morbier (FRA), Cashel Blue (IRE), Taleggio (ITA), Isle of Mull (SCO) and Gorwydd Caerphilly (WAL). Connor had matched these with offers from The Bar. A great selection - a great night!

26th Jan: Quiz Night

Our Quiz winners this week were the nattily named 'Impeach Boris Still', with an amazing 44 points. It was a really nice busy atmosphere in The Pub and The Coach House. We also raised over fifty pounds towards the restoration funds too.

Previous winners in The Bar
The winners out in The Coach House

28th Jan: WHP Coffee Morning

Sincere thanks to all who attended the final coffee morning on behalf of our 2021 Community Charity, the Windsor Homeless Project. A huge thanks also to the Wings and GR6 students - Carly, Kerry and Kadilen - who served the coffee and cakes helping us to raise £226 for the charity. We do hope that the barista and front-of-house experiences on the day help them in the future.

Bas enjoying the cake
The spread of cakes from donators
Some of our regulars to our coffee mornings
The queue for coffee
Two gentleman having a good old chat

We would also like to thank the GR6 staff who played their bit too so that it was a success. So big thanks to the main man Deej and his supporting team of Lexie and Richard. They made this run without a hitch!

Our coffee mornings do rely on donations of cakes, biscuits and the likes. Anything you could do would be really appreciated and funds raised do go to the nominated charities. Mornings are usually the last Friday of the month.

28th Jan: The Free Ranger

We would also like to thank The Free Ranger, also known as Rob Oliphant. He donated his evening totally free of charge and in return asked that any donations made were given to the Windsor Homeless Project. Good man sir!

Rob has a history of this sort of thing both here in the UK and also on the West Coast of USA. Over the years he has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the homeless in both countries. He has a charity called Street Talk worth looking for.

You may on occasion find Rob on the Eton Bridge busking to earn money for the homeless. Watch out for him!

The Free Ranger

January Newsletters

Although our news page has all the newsletters, we thought it might be easier to access this month's ones from here.

Events in 2022 Events in February, 2022