February 2022

Here is a round-up of the events at The Swan during February, 2022.

1st Feb: Cribbage

There were quite a few Cribbage players in tonight which was great to see. They were of varying skill levels, some learners, some proficient, some experts. But all enjoying the game of royalty and having a wee libation on the side.

2nd Feb: Stammtisch

The Swan is unique in Windsor having our very own Stammtisch which meets on the first Thursday of the month. German speakers, both fluent and rusty, get together and practice their language skills over some wine and beer. Prost!

Our Stammtisch table
Some of our German speakers at Der Stammtisch

6th Feb: Rene's Birthday Celebrations

A very special lady indeed - Rene Lowe - and our very special friend. Happy 100th Birthday!

Rene at 100 listening to the Windsor Town Crier
100 in golden balloons

To see more of this very special occasion on the 6th Feb, please visit our dedicated web page. It has photos, videos, BBC Berkshire radio snippets. The works!.

9th Feb: Quiz Night

The Swan's quiz night goes from strength to strength with 13 teams battling out a closely-fought contest this week. It needed a tie-break between the top 3 teams to settle it - with The Rogues eventually coming out on top. Led by our resident quizmaster Martin Payne, The Swan quiz takes place on the second & fourth Wednesdays of every month.

The bar was busy with a lot of full tables of quizzers On of the big tables at the front full of people
Lots of people laughing The lights in the pub had been dimmed so photos are very dark
The eventual winners - The Rogues

17th Feb: Bingo Night

We had a busy bar for the bingo, even those in for a quick drink got roped in along with the bar staff too.

All the tables in The Bar were full
Players in action
POur bingo caller, Richard Allen
Faces intense with concentration
Gentlemen playing at the bar itself
Two laides checking their cards
Discussion abut have I won or not
The pub was busy

22nd Feb: Cheese & Wine

The CheeeseMunger was back and had a fabulous selection of over nine different cheeses. There biscuits aplenty and some rather delicious premium chutneys which made the cheeses zing.

The cheese selection provided by The CHeeseMunger
Table of regulars enjoying the cheese

23rd Feb: Quiz Night

With Quiz questions on Flowers, Fives, Firsts, Films and February it was perhaps a surprise that we didn't have a Five Way tie for the winners. '3 Is The Magic Number' won after a tiebreak as they knew the total mileage of the M25. Better luck next time to those who made it to the medal podium, and all those who took part. We go again on Wed 9th March.

Our quizmaster Martin in full flow
Pub was filled with quizzers The winners - 3 Is The Magic Number
Close up of Martin

25th Feb: Coffee Morning

After a slow start, the place started to fill with the local community who came out to support Family Friends - thank you for taking the time. And a special huge thank you to all our bakers who donated their time, baking skills and cooking to the day to put on such a spread. Through this morning, we were able to donate £312 to Family Friends.

Welcome to The Swan sign in background, coffee and cake in the foreground Micky behind the bar Richard Douglas from the Friends of The Swan
Advertising banner for the Family Friends outside the pub The Family Friends team One of the Family Friends team with cake
The baking table covered with cakes Table of ladies outside enjoying the sun, cake and coffee Local ladies in for a natter Richard Douglas

February Newsletters

Although our news page has all the newsletters, we thought it might be easier to access this month's ones from here.

Events in January, 2022 Events in March, 2022