SwanFest Prep
Guest ales were added to the main pump pulls in the bar. Outside, the old temporary bar has been set up again to contain firkins and the likes of other guest beers and ciders.

The tables were laid out and tidied up. Flowers from Lavender Green were added.

Micky and the team also created activities for kids, some of which are represented here.

And volunteers were sent out to collect the guest beers from various breweries. And by the sounds of it, there was some sampling done too just to make sure that the beer was fit for purpose. The same guys were also used as test pilots - hopefully we can get MUCH better pictures during SwanFest.

With the BBQ running for three continuous days and over such long periods, one of the stables was cleared and kitchen equipment setup and thoroughly cleaned. Fridges and freezers were moved in too now that the stable has power. The BBQ team now have a good base to work from.

All in all, the bar staff and volunteers have pout in one helluva effort to get SwanFest ready. All we need now is YOU!!! See you soon.