February 2020
Here is a round-up of the events at The Swan during Febuary, 2020.
14th Feb: Astonought
Another great night of music from Astronought to celebrate St Valentine's Day.
19th Feb: Quiz Night
Winners of tonight's quiz were Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

20th Feb: The Jam Factory
The Jam Factory managed to squeeze themselves into The Swan and rocked the place. The crowd in The Bar thoroughly enjoyed the sets, singing and dancing along (where space permitted). Live music is certainly enjoyed here!

The Jam Factory did live up to their billing: high energy playing Classic Rock, Blues and Soul. Lots of well known songs that entertained all present. Although the guitarist's grand daughter might be a little young to know all the words for some of them. We do hope to have them back very soon for a repeat performance, probably out in The Courtyard where there is more space. In the meantime, you might be able to catch them at a private party of one of the charity events that they support.
24th Feb: Board Games
local games developer, Simon Russell, hosted an evening of games old and new, even some of which are still in the development phase. The players really enjoyed the format and we hope that this becomes a regular occurrence.

25th Feb: Pancake Party
Thanks to every one that came along to our Pancake Party on Tuesday night. Not only did we have a lot of fun and plenty of pancakes, there was big competition amongst the children to complete the highest number of pancake tosses (whilst the adults enjoyed a wee Baileys to accompany their pancake).

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