Renovation Diary: December 2021
Week 48/21: 3rd December 2021
The Weekday Warriors were joined for part of this week by Freddie from GR6 and, all be it briefly, by Lexie. Freddie helped the team to install the final elements of insulation on The Kitchen wall whilst Lexie insisted on showing us how to measure angles!

With insulation now installed, and boarding of the walls nearly complete the plan is to lay the new floor in the coming week. Fingers crossed!

Due to the flooring going down on Monday, the team were back in on Saturday to finish the plaster boarding.

Week 49/21: 10th December 2021
The Weekday Warriors have taken a well deserved break for much of this week as 'Lino Len' and his team have been onsite laying flooring in The Kitchen, both store rooms and the corridor leading to/from the Bar. Another very significant step forward with sincere thanks to everyone involved.
The Kitchen and The Store Room:

The hallway:

Week 50/21: 17th December 2021
After a small delay waiting for the last of the flooring to be completed, the new cooker hood and aluminum back pieces arrived and were taken into The Kitchen.

On Thursday, the fitting team came in and started work fitting the extraction fan. As you can see it took quite a few to get it into place and fitted securely. Keith, our sparky, was also in to progress the electrics. Things are now moving at pace!

And this week the Warriors got new jerkins so that they are clearly identified. This is part of the advanced security requirements that the school require for the safety of the students.

Week 51/21: 24th December 2021
Another working week for the Warriors has seen the installation of the steel wall covering under the kitchen canopy as well as the next phase of electrical preparation. Both essential elements in readiness for the final steps towards a working kitchen.

On the shortest day of the year the lights have been installed to illuminate our unique pub sign. The Swan can be seen in all it's glory proudly flying above our community pub. As well as providing a beacon in the darkness we hope this will also provide notice to passers by that the transition from ugly duckling to beautiful Swan continues.

The Weekday Warriors wish you all a very Merry Christmas.