Renovation Diary: March 2020
Week 10/20: 6th March, 2020
The weather keeps challenging us and another week goes by without any work on the external building. Fingers crossed that we have now seen the worst of it to allow work to recommence.
On the inside of the building, the steel beam has been delivered by our friends at It's A Steel. Having this steel will be able us to remove the redundant chimney breast in the kitchen and create a rectangular and much bigger space

On Thursday we had a team from O2's Marketing Operations department on-site who helped us out in the morning by brushing and cleaning down the walls in the Coach House. They also gave the walls a spruce up with white paint. Afterwards, they had their team meeting in the School House and then enjoyed a meal from The Green Canteen.

Week 11/20: 13th March, 2020
Sewing Bees
Members of the Swan Sewing Bee have been busy with the soft furnishings that are appearing throughout the pub. This week it was a full seat cushion for one of the pews (others to follow). The team are also looking at window coverings and other furnishings required.

Weekday Warriors
The weather is still holding up the external works required. We are applying for a permit so scaffolding can be erected to the front of the building. This will then mean we can start on renovating the front of the building.
Meanwhile the team have been some small but essential jobs: new fire extinguishers have been installed; a wine rack installed and filled, and some minor typical DIY jobs that needed done