Renovation Diary: January 2020
Week 1/20: 3rd January, 2020
Happy New Year!
The Weekday Warriors were in this week despite it being the holiday period. The team took the opportunity to remove the old chimney breast in the School Room. This allows the one in the Kitchen to be removed and open up the area further.
The guys had to be ultra-careful as the School Room is looking good so we didn't damage anything. Have a look at next week to seeif we were successful.
And the Sewing Ladies delivered the beautiful coverings for the banquettes.

Week 2/20: 10th January, 2020
Carrying on from last week, the guys were working on the School Room again. It was important to get the work completed before the school went back after the holidays.
They had to build a framework where the chimney breast had ben, then cover it with fireboard. All the presentation woodwork then had to be re-instated. It does need a touch iup with pain, this will be done very soon.
Elsewhere in the building the office was painted in the cob orange that can be seen elsewhere in the building. Also toilet doors were re-painted and some walls touched up. We do know that there is more remedial work required after the busy December we had.

Week 3/20: 17th January, 2020
Things you can see when you come down to the pub: check out the new fireplace, complete with slate hearth that has been installed over the last week by the Warriors.
Things you can't see as they are hidden away behind the scenes: the flooring has been going down in pub's office and it is now ready for use.

Week 4/20: 24th January, 2020
Tony and Adrian have been helping with insulation and fireboarding in the hallway just behind the bar. Although phase 2 for the kitchen has not structurally started, David our engineer has now come back with engineering drawings. These show where steel supports are required. We have found that the ground level is higher on our neighbour's side which is creating damp - thankfully nothing that the Weekday Warriors cannot overcome. Oh, and somehow Diana & Bas found more wire to strip.
Bas has attached coat hooks to the back of the ladies and gents w/c doors. We also have a row of hooks by the ladies toilet entrance door, these are for the blankets for when people sit outside. As can see from the photo below, Adrian is ably showing off the blankets and pegs. And more painting has happened thanks to Jim who has returned from a knee injury.
Coat hooks aplenty

In the Coach House

Fireboarding behind the scenes

In the office

Week 5/20: 31st January, 2020
The Weekday Warriors have focussed their efforts on completing the fireboarding on the ground floor in the areas behind the scenes. The cellar stairwell, the corridor, store room and the 'room of doom' (which has the alleged tunnel entrance).
They have also been helping with the preparations for the Six Nations. An extra TV is being installed today (Friday), as are more speakers. We will also have live TV in the School Room when the pub is busy and perhaps the Coach House too (fingers crossed as it is a big request and a lot of additional work).
The professionals - Stuart and Casey - have been up on the roof today. It is dry and not too windy or cold. They have taken the opportunity in the break in the weather to cap off the shortened chimney. If you remember, this was leaning at an angle and the Building Team decided to make sure there was no doubt about its' safety by reducing the height of it.
And on Thursday, everyone down the pub had to look for a mystery cat. Crying had been heard and the team believed that it was trapped. After much digging and an hour plus, the team abandoned the search . No cat. No crying. Just a complete mystery ... or was it a ghost? .
Capping the Chimney
