Renovation Diary: February 2019
8th February, 2019
The guys at the Green Room School went in and took down the canopy in the courtyard. Also clearing up a lot of the mess in front of the kitchen and the side door. This was very much the first step of the renovation.

22nd February, 2019
At long last the "For Sale" sign has gone. Makes The Swan look a lot better. The flag pole is next! From the front you can't see all the activity that has been going inside the building - it's been busy in there.
Since the volunteering day:
- Sootbusters cleaned several of the chimneys already.
- Yesterday we found another that was hidden from view.
- The office ceiling has been taken down.
- Removed the rotten floor boards in the bar area.
- Opened up several airbricks that had been sealed.
- Worked out how to replace the roof in the gents loo.
The guys have also taken more of the walls in the bar back to the brickwork and removed dangerous slates from the stables' roof. The volunteer plumber removed all the radiators and sinks from the bar and stopped several pipe leaks. Other work has been done too. A huge thanks to the volunteers involved.
In the coming days we should see scaffolding going up so the roof, guttering and windows can be worked on. Also there will be tarpaulin going over the stables to protect them. And a lot more work inside too. If you are volunteering, you will be able to see all this and more too.
We are also looking for skilled tradesmen who are able to volunteer their time during the week. Can you help? Or do you know someone?