April 2022

Here is a round-up of the events at The Swan during April, 2022. Unfortunately we are a bit light with photos this month.

1st Apr: FeverTree Evening

Our friends at FeverTree offered us a gin & tonic masterclass. It took us all of a couple of milliseconds to think about it and say yes. For sure the locals would like to learn and taste from the best tonic people in the business.

So twenty hearty souls came to The School House to learn from a Fevertree mixologist - how to pair popular flavoured gins with the Fevertree tonics. And for doing so, they could taste the fruits of their efforts. Four times!

The pub laid on a few snacks to make sure that everyone was okay. These were prepared by Els Kitchen, a local entrepreneur who we will get to hear more of in the coming months.

The School room laid out with glasses, FeverTree and notes for the attendees
One of the special FeverTree glasses with their mixers behind
A full School House with people mixing gin and tonics
Some of th snfrom Els Kitchen
Gin and Tonic bottles lined up ready for use

The evening didn't disappoint and everyone had a fantastic time. Now let's see if they can (A) remember what they learned and (B) do it at home in the future. An evening we hope to repeat as it was sucha great success.

4th Apr: Games Night

The first Monday of the month meant it was Games Night led by local games inventor, Simon. This is proving to be popular as there is blend of traditional and unpublished games for the gamers to try whilst having a beer from the bar.

13th Apr: Quiz Night

Congratulations to our newest quiz winner 'Unexpected item in the bagging area', otherwise known as David who won in his team of one! Our jackpot raffle winner David won a free pint of beer. As the main jackpot was not won this time it rolls over to a £30 prize for our next quiz on Wed 27 Apr.

David of Unexpected item in the bagging area
Jackpot draw, opening the selected envelope

21st Apr: Bingo Night

A number of the regulars were missing this month so the turnout was quite low. However that didn't dampen the spirits of our caller or the players! This was the last one of the current run and should be back when the nights get a little darker.

Bingo Caller, Richard Allen, explaining the rules.
A packed Coach House full of Bingo players.
Table of very happy Bingo ladies.

27th Apr: Quiz Night

Quiz winners this week were: The Fantastic 4 Less One!

The Fantastic Four Less One!

April Newsletters

Although our news page has all the newsletters, we thought it might be easier to access this month's ones from here.

Events in March, 2022 Events in May, 2022