July 2019
Here is a round-up of the events at The Swan during July, 2019.
6th July: Volunteer Day
We had another volunteering day which was well attended. We successfully completed an number of tasks and moved others on so the weekday warriors can complete them.
Some of the things done included:
- Removal of the old Swan signage.
- Taking down the flag pole.
- Clearing out the gutters and gullies on the main roof.
- Removing the kitchen extractor.
- Painting the side entrance wall and washing down the woodwork.
- Putting noggins into the steels ready for mounting pasterboard.
- Stripping paint in the ladies loo a well as giving the whole loo a gentle sand down.
- Lagging the new pipework in the cellar.
- And as always, more wire stripping!
Notably our father and so team for the day - James and John - built a temporary bar out of pallets. Looks fab and ensures we have something to serve from on the 20th.
Thanks to Louise for the sandwiches and Will for the beer. Certainly helped sustain us on a hot Saturday!
Photos from our professional photographer (volunteer), Doug Seeburg.
Dermott cleaning the service entrance

Baffy painting school room ceiling

Planning work in the bar

Tony cutting a noggin

Whitewashing the shool room

The strippers

Noggin work has started

The Swan shining in the sunlight

Photos from volunteers and friends.
The temporary bar

Builders of the temp bar

Cellar starting to take shape

Discussing progress

Painting the service entrance

Wire stripping for copper

The temp bar

No flag pole or signage!

Taking the flag pole down

Making the temporary bar

Removing old signage

Our postie brought down his car

Chit chatting


13th July: Volunteer Day
As we got closer and closer to the opening, the more and more the volunteers came forward to help. Over thirty people came down this day to help out. We had a variety of tasks that were undertaken, including:
- plaster boarding,
- paint stripping,
- sanding
- cementing,
- putting up shelving,
- tidying the kitchen,
- cleaning the first floor,
- washing down plastic seats,
- and wire stripping too.
There are too that are probably missed, apologies. A few stayed on into the evening, chewing the cud and drinking a couple of beers.
A huge thanks to all who attended. Also to Doug Seebug who provided the photos of the morning.
Before the work started

Pink plasterboard is fire retardant

The crew working in the courtyard

Sneak review of the tiles for the ladies loo

The front of the pub before removing 2 doors

A board dotted and dabbed

Another successful board fitted

Two teams worked at plasterboarding

Two teams worked on plasterboarding

The hole at the door was eventually cemented!

The Courtroom which will be used by the school

Checking a cut board will fit

Wire stripping in the sun

Fixing a board to a pillar

Measuring out a board

Toothing out the alcove door

Anne paint stripping

Bar area looks a lot bigger now

Making adhesive for dot and dabbing plasterboard

Stuart the plasterer gving a masterclass

20th July: Opening Day
In line with our vision from the outset, from this autumn we will have a fully functioning and cosy - if a little rustic - pub, proudly serving the community of Clewer and beyond. However, to get us to this point, there is much renovation work still to be done.
We took the decision to open ASAP in order to give investors and, indeed, all of our customers, the opportunity to sample the atmosphere of The Swan and quench their thirst during the summer months. However, throughout the summer, the renovation work will still progress as The Swan continues on its journey to becoming a fully-fledged pub.
Many hundreds attended the Opening Weekend. We had a lucky break with the weather that unexpectedly cleared up for us. It was a really busy day:
- Setting up the temporary bar.
- Putting a door on the ladies and other "minor" finishing items too.
- The W&E Dray delivered ceremonial beer barrels that were shared round.
- The Windsor Town Cryer read a very funny poem about drinking.
- Some speeches were made by Will and Richard.
- The unveiling of the new pub sign was done.
- Excellent food from the Italian Street Food van.
- Singing and dancing into the night.
- Oh, and some drinking was done too.
The W&E Brewery dray arriving

Will Calvert with The Swan in the background

These are a collection of photos taken by Doug Seeburg, a volunteer and a professional photographer too.
Last minute work in the ladies toilet

The official word - we're ready

The ceremonial beer barrels being brought in

The speeches

The first drink in the re-opened pub

Matt finishing the bar

The W&E dray arriving

The Town Cryer checking out the beer

The new pub sign

Unsurprisingly, the bar was busy

The temporary is ready for opening

A very happy drayman

A large crowd listened to the speeches

At 97, the oldest customer on the day

Some photos from social media taken by our supporters and sent in via email. Thanks!
Waiting for the dray

The dray arrives

The guys behind the bar are ready

The courtyard filled quickly

Listening to the speeches

Doors are open

History of the renovation (1 of 2)

The Town Cryer

Calm before the storm in the courtyard

The coach house had been cleared out

Preparing the speeches

Matt and Sheridan provides the evening entertainment

History of the renovation (2 of 2)

Competitions including the stripped copper wire

A preview of the new colours

The two o'clock wedding went past

Special guests see the new pub sign

You can recognise some of the locals

Some of the Weekday Warriors having a beer

27th July: Volunteers Morning
A lot was achieved in the four or five hours that we had. Twenty plus volunteers came down and eally got stuck in. And the pub opened as normal at 11am too.
Some of our achievements included:
- Misting the dry plaster
- Fixing some paintwork in the school room
- Further painting in the ladies toilet
- Cleaning the feature walls
- Painting some of the old chairs
- Boarding in the hall behind the bar
A lot more than that was achieved. Oh, and you can't forget the wire strippers too!
Some from Facebook, some from Twitter, and some sent in. Photos from a mixture of our supporters. Please keep sending them in!
New guttering at the service door

Painting in the ladies toilet

Preparing plywood sheet

Misting the bar

Painting old chairs

How the courtyard was left

Boarding behind the old bar door

Wire stripping

Fireboarding in the hall

Cleaning the feature walls

Plywood sheeting being mounted

Preparing for misting

Misting one of the walls

Cleaning the main feature wall

Removing dust before the customers arrive

Cleaning the glasses