Renovation Diary: November 2022
13th November, 2022
A group of hard working warriors Trevor, John and Glenn cleared the remaining rubble from the back of the coach house and cemented in the holes in preparation for a new floor to be laid next month.

It's been an exciting and productive week at The Swan with work starting on the roof! Paul has been systematically working through each problem area to make sure it is water tight before the scaffold can begin to come down. You can clearly see from the picture why this work is required.

A huge thank you to our volunteers for getting out their paint brushes and giving the place a lovely makeover, ready for the new floor to be laid next month. Come in and see how lovely it looks!

25th November, 2022
Building work has continued despite the heavy rain this last fortnight. Paul the roofer finished repairs to the top accessible parts of the roof.

This meant we were ready for the top parts of the scaffold to come down! Yes that's right, if passed by The Swan yesterday you would have seen Warren disassembling and lifting down the two upper platforms of scaffold ready for Paul to the move to next part of the roof work.

Meanwhile Tex and Sam the painters have been prepping and painting the windows on the side and rear of the building. More work will progress next week with plans to remove the scaffold in sections as the work is completed so watch this space!