Renovations Diary: 5th February, 2021
The Weekday Warriors continue to impress with their stamina, enthusiasm and ability to get down and dirty! Another busy week has seen them almost finished with the clearing out of the areas needed for our new kitchen. With the demolition work now nearly complete the next phase, construction, will be starting very soon.
Another wall, another chance for the Warriors to "modify" it.
Tony gets everywhere! There are lots of jobs that need to be done all round the site - some small and some slightly larger. Think you can help? We do need Weekday Warriors to help us continue with the renovation.
This was The Room of Doom with the alleged tunnel under the staricase. The Warriors have taken down the non-load bearing wall, taken up the floor, levelled the place and ensured that there was no re-occurrence of the rot of several years ago. This is now incorporated into The Store Room.
As well as having far too much fun in the process, our busy Warriors have shifted a great deal of rubbish. All the rubble that has been removed from the kitchen, stockroom and cold store is now in the courtyard awaiting removal.
Whilst this work is going on in The Kitchen area, The School House is closed. The School are using the IT Suite and The Bar for lessons for the students who are attending. Everyone on site is regularly checked for Covid with our own testing provided by The School.