Renovations Diary: 24th January, 2020
Tony and Adrian have been helping with insulation and fireboarding in the hallway just behind the bar. Although phase 2 for the kitchen has not structurally started, David our engineer has now come back with engineering drawings. These show where steel supports are required. We have found that the ground level is higher on our neighbour's side which is creating damp - thankfully nothing that the Weekday Warriors cannot overcome. Oh, and somehow Diana & Bas found more wire to strip.
Bas has attached coat hooks to the back of the ladies and gents w/c doors. We also have a row of hooks by the ladies toilet entrance door, these are for the blankets for when people sit outside. As can see from the photo opposite, Adrian is ably showing off the blankets and pegs. And more painting has happened thanks to Jim who has returned from a knee injury.
Coat hooks aplenty

In the Coach House

Fireboarding behind the scenes

In the office