Renovation Diary: June 2019
7th June 2019
An update from our Project Manager
We have had another very productive week at The Swan thanks to our regular team and our amazing volunteers.
The school room is taking shape and we have chosen the kitchenette from Howdens . We are still prepping for the decoration and we can hopefully undertake a lot of this work on our volunteer’s day. We then need to sand the floors. The plumbers and electricians just need to complete their first fixing works and away we go with the decoration.
We had a nice surprise on Tuesday when John exposed an internal window in the School Room which we will retain as a feature. After all the years covered up it does need a little work, but it will certainly provide more natural light to the stairwell.
We are currently working on the bar cellar getting it ready for all the specialist equipment needed. It has emptied, and we are hoping that it will be washed down and thoroughly cleaned during the volunteers day. This will allow the tanking (water proofing and protection) to be done in the coming days.
We still need extra weekday volunteers. Just please pop by if you want to help even if you have no skills we can find something useful for you to do. Your Swan needs you !
This is Alex Loveless who had a couple of free hours on Thursday. He came in and helped remove some of the ceilings on the first floor. Watch out for more news about Alex as he takes up the 50km Thames Path Challenge in support of The Swan.
Alan and Geraldine contacted me on Monday to express an interest in volunteering. Alan is a time served local builder and is going to offer some of his time along with Geraldine who will act as his assistant.
One of the main areas is the exposed brickwork in the bar - he will help to prepare this and then undertake all the pointing. We are at a crucial stage now with the bar and this work is invaluable.
Marilyn (site project manager)
Inside the cellar

Signature of previous cellarman

First floor hall ceiling was removed

Ken after taking down a ceiling

SSE have laid tarmac

Marilyn our project manager

Another photo of the cellar

Lots of pipes in the cellar

Bedroom 3 without its ceiling

Skips being swapped

Gerry and Alan

Trevor in the school room

The other side of the cellar

Progressing the school room

Ian after taking down a ceiling

Pete and Tony fixing the ceiing

Alex disposing of ceiling material

Alan found this window

14th June 2019
An update from our Project Manager
Hello another week has flown by so quickly and we have been making some great progress. The Volunteer Day has given us a great platform to move forward from.
The plumbers and electricians have been busy undertaking the remainder of the first fixing works to the bar areas.
The school room is still work in progress and it is taking time as we have so much old timber to fill and prep but we are getting there.
I went to see the Fire Brigade a few weeks ago to ask if they could kindly assist in taking the old Swan pub sign down for us. It was too dangerous for us to work from a ladder and a tower scaffold or cherry picker would have cost too much and would block the road.
They came along on Tuesday evening to do this for us. So it is a huge thank you to Chris, Mark, Craig and the team at Station 20 Red watch for helping us and being part of The Swan Community.
We will adding the lads to our Swan Heroes page very soon.
Our husband and wife team Gerry & Alan have done some amazing work to the exposed brickwork in the bar. We are going to look so trendy!
I have been busy with Matt our new manager choosing all the pub equipment including a cocktail station! We are also going to have a rather nice coffee barista machine. As you can see, he can't wait to welcome you to The Swan in a few weeks time.
I have ordered some nice birch wood timber for the new sign and this will be taken to our artist on Wednesday who will start work on creating our new sign incorporating the new logo (which is top secret).
We are still working on the bar cellar getting it ready for all the specialist equipment needed and we are damp sealing it at the moment.
Marilyn (site project manager)
The fire brigade arrive

Getting ready to take the sign down

Fireman bring the old sign into the cradle

Starting to lay heating to gents toilet

Tanking Tony tanking the cellar

Gerry who helped point the walls

Acrow installed

Fire engine on its hydraulic legs

Fire engine in operation

Cradle being lowered

Fireman controlling ladder

Heating pipework outide ladies toilet

Tanking Tony enjoying the cellar

Putting up the Acrows

A carefully parked fire engine

In operation

At the back of the bar

Matt our new general manager

A feature wall in the bar

Painting the school room

John working in the school room

21st June 2019
An update from our Project Manager
Hello everyone. The sun is shining as I am writing this on a make shift bench in The Swan yard.
Alan and Gerry our almost resident husband and wife team have made amazing progress with the exposed brick walls to the main pub and are now working on the men’s toilets. We have a specialist brick sealer that we need to apply when finished so this will be another job for one of our volunteers.
As well as our usual team of volunteers we had two new faces this week John Laing and John "Bosco" Ridge. They have done fantastic work doing a multitude of tasks from painting damp proof to the cellar to de-nailing.
Dermot was busy this week taking general rubbish down to the church as our lovely vicar has allowed us to use their bins. This of course all helps with skip costs.
Trevor one of our regulars has been doing some heavy duty work chasing out the floor for the plumbers who are back on site Monday. John is back doing his work in the school room.
The cellar is still work in progress and we have had a multitude of volunteers working on it this week. We've had to strip all walls back to the basic concrete and replaced the ceiling. Our resident builder Peter Keen has made new stairs.
Time is pressing now and we need your help more than ever even if it is just making tea for the volunteers. It’s dusty, dirty and fun! So please put on your overalls and a smile and pop down and see us. We are around in the morning so please turn up if you can.
Tanking failed in the cellar

Walls in cellar will need cleaned

Progress in the school room

Beams are down in the bar

Pillar and new steel looking good

Tony treating the cellar ceiling

An Alan and Gerry masterpiece

Bosco de-nailing

Peter and Tony - the dream team

Cellar ceiling insulated and re-boarded

Ceiling removed in bedroom 4

Three phase mains coming into the pub

29th June 2019
Biggest news of the week was that the building inspector gave us the go ahead for the next phase of the renovation. On receiving that on Friday morning, we immediately started laying the floor insulation. We hope to complete that by Monday so we can lay the sub-floor.
The plumbers have been in too and we now have running fresh water. They have put in all the pipes for the heating, connected it all up and tested it. Next week they will work on the two toilets and using the fact that we don't have a ceiling in the bar, prep the first floor.
The ladies loo has received its first coats of paint, remaining plaster board inserted, and the floor leveled. As it is a priority for the grand opening, we aim to be tiling it next week. In the gents, Alan and Gerry have finished the pointing allowing all of the feature brickwork to be sealed. Other work has been done in there too but fair to say we need to have a blitz on it to catch up with the ladies.

Ian our plasterer has been in and completed both ends of the school room. This has also had other work done on it so it is ready for the electricians to come in and put in the lights, power points, etc. We are moving at pace now and will soon be adding the decorative touches and painting it.

Now that it is dry for a period, we have also taken the opportunity to make some external repairs and improvements. For example, the area at the side door wasn't the best. We have installed a traditonal slate roof and given the area a good tidy. We need to do further work to make this an entrance to be proud of.
Lastly the cellar. The new air conditioning unit has been installed and just needs to be connected up. The weekday volunteers have got stuck in and done the tanking to keep the cellar dry. This has been a challenge over the last fortnight. We can now get the floor levelled and start installing other equipment. Our bar manager Matt has been overseeing this part of the project.
Old cellar cooling equipment

Side entrance to be repaired

Ian plastering the gents

Side entrance roof slated

Started to lay the insulation

A completed featured wall

Ready for insulation

Door frames added to ladies loo

End of school room newly plastered

Bosco misting the ladies

All hands available doing insulation

One of the old beer coolers

Services trench filled in

Slating the side entrance

Our plumbers - Rob and Scott

Insulation master class from Pete

Baffy tanking the cellar