October 2020
Here is a round-up of the events at The Swan during October, 2020.
6th Oct: Cheese & Wine
It was a with a little trepidation that we organised the first post-lockdown Cheese and Wine evening. Mike - The Cheesemunger - came back with a strong selection of excellent cheeses. We were so happy by the turnout by the local community!. All the tables in The Pub and The Coach House were booked, and The School Room was in use. A resounding success such we are making this a monthly event for the rest of the year.

9th Oct: The Radio Returned

It's one year on since Phil Kennedy of BBC Radio Berkshire pulled a pint at The Swan. Back then he presented his Drive Time show live from The Swan. It was a great afternoon that was recorded for posterity in our events diary.
He returned to The Swan but virtually, it was all done over the phone. Unfortunately covid restrictions made it impractical to run a live radio show from the pub. So instead, Phil interviewed a number of the team and supporters over the phone.
We are hoping that when things return a bit more to normal, we can once again welcome Phil and his team to The Swan. By then, fingers crossed, we should have The Kitchen going. Wouldn't that be a fabulous achievement to celebrate?!
These audio snippets have been taken from the recording of the full radio show (we acknowledge that these snippets belong to BBC Radio Berkshire). The audio segments are presented here for posterity. Phil and his team have made a remarkable job of updating our story using bits from last year merged with live interviews.
Anne Tebbatt - The Last Year in Context
Bas Williams - The Swan during Covid
Richard Allen - a year in the life of the school
Willie Calvert - operating the pub in difficult times
Anne Tebbatt - summary and future
14th October, 2020
We were happy to welcome lots of new players that filled The pub. Richard Allen was our host. Winners on the night were:
- 1st game: line - Stephanie; full house - Stephanie, Sandro, Mark.
- 2nd game: line - Nu; full house - Peter.
- 3rd game: line - Kat; full house - Louise.

16th & 17th Oct: Oktoberfest
Oktoberfest may have been cancelled in Munich, but we had our own socially distanced version for the local community. We brought in two German biers - Lowenbrau and Krombacher - along with Bratwurst from the BBQ. There was also a mini-market on the Sunday too. Before the pub opened on Friday, the team were in connecting up the guest beers and decorating the pub.

We were really pleased that some of the team, and also locals, dressed up in traditional Bavarian costume.

And on the Sunday, we had our mini-market too! Here are some of the stalls ...

And the locals were out in force over the weekend. We were happy to sdee familiar faces and also a lot of new ones too. Oktoberfest really resonated with the community.

21st Oct: Quiz Night
Winners on the night: Enemies of the People. Congratulations!

25th Oct: Defibrillator Dedication
We dedicated our defibrillator to Adrian Chojnacki, one of our Weekday Warriors. Unfortunately he passed away unexpectedly back in March. Adrian was a keen supporter of the pub getting a defribillator which could then be used by the pub, the school and the wider community. His wife - Dawn - paid for its's installation.
The family attended the dedication and said a few words to some of Adrian's friends who had gathered to pay tribute. Richard Allen also said a few kind words about Adrian's contribution to The Swan.
Adrian was a dedicated husband, father, grandfather, friend and Weekday Warrior. We will remember you fondly sir.

Here are some photos of the man himself. A true legend.

30th Oct: Royal British Legion
Thanks to everyone who supported our Poppy Appeal Coffee Morning which raised over £600 for the Royal British Legion. A special thanks to Louise Birch whose knitted and crocheted poppies proved so popular that she had to remain hard at work for several days. Also a thanks to all those who baked and contributed.

Money was raised through this very popular coffee morning and also through the sale of poppies from the bar. We also sold hand made poppies kindly donated by Louise Birch, these raised a lot of moneyy in their own right.
Our coffee mornings are a great way for the community to get together, have a chat, and donate to some very worthy causes. You can find out more about them via our coffee morning page accessible via the main site navigation.