Renovations Diary: 28th August, 2020
The Coach House
The final tweaks have continued to be made this week as the deadline for the completion of the Coach House swiftly approaches. Rendering to the base of The Coach House finished early in the week which will again help with making the building water tight. Exterior flooring tiles were laid on the landing between the School House and the IT suite giving it a slick, safe finish.

The upstairs floor has had beautiful vinyl floor tiles fitted and more paint has been applied to the walls both upstairs and downstairs. Soon cabinets and furniture will start to arrive and we will have an opportunity to get into the space puts things in their place in preparation for the students imminent arrival.

And there was more electrical work and of course ... you guessed it, painting!

The Weekday Warriors
The Weekday Warriors turned the side stable door round so that the coffee machine could be re-instated for the weekend. They all installed more bike racks to support the launch of the Cycle Pitstop. And of course there was more painting, and more, and more ...

Cookie the Cat
And we had a visit from royalty. Well not exactly. Cookie the Cat came in to see how we were progressing and give a purr of approval. Cookie lives close by but likes to pop in now and then to see the lads.