Renovations Diary: 3rd July, 2020

The Coach House

The Jayflex team have continued to make great progress on making The Coach House a safe and exciting venue for use by both Green Room School and Swan activities. We are very lucky to be able to benefit from their skill and generosity.

The lintel over The Coach House doors was replaced with a steel.

New steel lintel in place
View from inside The Coach House of the new lintel
Showing the work going on in front on The Coach House

The guys have been ploughing on with the brickwork and got it ready for the lintel to be put in place.

New brickwork on first floor More brickwork in progress
Plume of dust from bricks being cut on first floor Aerial view of The Coach House
New gable end at back of The Coach House Guys preparing for the new steel lintel to support the roof

The steels were delivered but unfortunately the lorry with the crane could not get into The Courtyard, so the final placement was delaid to th 4th.

Lorry lifting in a new steel into The Courtyard
View of the lorry that couldnt get into The Courtyard due to its size

Weekday Warriors

At the same time our Weekday Warrior volunteers have been equally hard at work helping to get the place ready for re-opening on Saturday..

Preparing the Stable doors New white Stable walls Painting The Stable walls
Tony clearing out the subbish from The Courtyard The whole stable was painted white with a footing of black and blue doors Ian using a circular saw
Lexie still has time to have fun even though the rain is torrential John painting the stable doors Caole painting the doors underneath the awning

There is opportunity now to have a select number of volunteers back in to chip away at the list of jobs that can be carried out at the moment safely whilst observing social distancing. With a lot to achieve in the coming week volunteers are needed. Please do get in contact.

Ico:Backwards Ico:Forwards