Renovations Diary: 19th June, 2020
If you have strolled passed The Swan this week you will have seen that lots of work has been happening with The Coach House. Our local resident Brendan O’Reilly and his team from Jayflex have been in and achieved so much already. Very quickly this happened ...

The scaffold is up, skips are in the yard and the roof is off!

By stripping back the frame work it has become clear what is required to make the structure safe. There was bowing in the ridge of the roof and crumbling walls high up. They will need to strip back the unsafe brickwork in order to rebuild safely. Steels and tie rods will then be installed to help strengthen the structure.

These guys do work quick and we are so fortunate to have the generosity of Jayflex taking on this project in order to have the IT suite above and multi purpose space below ready for the school and community to use as soon as possible

Excavations under the Coach House have unearthed some bygone treasures. These clay pipes were a very popular choice in Victorian England, Tossed aside by a travelling gent as the stable boy tended to his horses?...

And very quickly has ended up ...