Renovations Diary: 10th January, 2020

Carrying on from last week, the guys were working on the School Room again. It was important to get the work completed before the school went back after the holidays.

They had to build a framework where the chimney breast had ben, then cover it with fireboard. All the presentation woodwork then had to be re-instated. It does need a touch iup with pain, this will be done very soon.

Elsewhere in the building the office was painted in the cob orange that can be seen elsewhere in the building. Also toilet doors were re-painted and some walls touched up. We do know that there is more remedial work required after the busy December we had.

Tony prepping the chimney breast New framework has been finished Fireboarding has been completed Ian, Tony and John - the School House team
Framework started Fireboard started Fireplace being re-instated School House re-instated
Tony building the framework Tony ficing the fireboarding Area re-instated, just needs re-painted Meanwhile Adrian has been painting the office
Ico:Backwards Ico:Forwards