Fourth Birthday

What Is This?

We are going to regularly post short history snippets - they will all be related to The Swan in some way. Being short, the aim is to whet your appetite, and give an overview. It is not to provide detail, that will be done elsewhere in the future. Over time, we will add links to where that detail can be found.

The Swan has a rich history of over 300 years. However, most of that has been lost with no documents or images surviving in the pub itself. We are having to rely on the local community, local historians, the Windsor Libray and the Berkshire Records Office for much of the material. We have to be very careful with regard to copyright so this will be something you will see time and again. So where quotes or images are used, we will seek to gain permission to use them. We will also correctly attribute them to the owner. If you think there is an issue, please do email us so we can discuss. If you would like to contribute or have any questions, please do get in contact.

Our original intention was to create a blog here but as we tried it, we found it much simpler to create a new Group associated with our Facebook Page. To access it, simply click on the button below.

We do hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to contribute by posting, commenting, questioning or whatever. The idea is to share knowledge about The Swan and the immediate surrounding area and also encourage people to dabble in a wee history project too.